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Anyone else get the feeling that Gwen Stacy shouldn't die
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Anyone else get the feeling that Gwen Stacy shouldn't die any more? Her death was super shocking back when it first happened but now her death has basically become synonymous with her character and everyone expects it every time she shows up in an adaptation. What was once a hugely unexpected twist is now so expected that people become shocked when it doesn't happen. I'm starting to think that we should retire the "Gwen dies in everything" thing and come up with something new and exciting.
>her casting was one of the few decent things about the rebooted movies
>kill her of because "muh source material"
I don't think we need her at all.
Yes. Gwen is a great character and much better for Peter than Mary Jane. (discounting of course Sins Past) They should bring her back and explore a scientist angle with her. And no clones.
Marvel stop
Slott says he won't bring her back as long as he;s writing Spider-Man. That's all I need to know it would be a good idea.
Gwen doesn't die anymore though.
How would people react to a rebooted universe where Mary Jane dies instead of Gwen?
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Make this happen Disney. And don't kill her off.
Waal she reaaly?
the fact it's a switcharoo robs of it any value.
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Sure smells "problematic" in here...
IDK. They shouldn't kill MJ off. She may be a whore, but I wouldn't want to throw her out altogether. Let her be a friend. Maybe date Eddie Brock or someone else in the Spidey world?

How would people react if it were aunt may instead of uncle ben?
>She may be a whore

The sad thing is at this point I'm not even aware if that's true.
>Next Spidey reboot will have Gwen as supporting character
>almost dies but manages to survive
>sequel will turn her into Spider Gwen

Mark my words
MJ is superior in pretty much every way.
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If you like sluts.
Please :c
Does a Spiderman story not work for you if his girlfriend doesn't die, anon?
Gwen should only die if there are plans to replace her with MJ.
Oh, I didn't realize Gwen "I lost my virginity to Norman Osborn and had his goddamn children" Stacy was so pure.
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>implying anyone cares about that Gwen
Even JMS hates that story. Hopefuly as soon as Slott leaves the title, that will be retconned.
Everyone knows Black Cat is best Spider-Waifu
Good taste
No, she should stay dead. Her death is one of the few that still has meaning, it shouldn't be taken away.
She's like Uncle Ben.

Their deaths were huge moments in Peter's life and her's in particular was a huge subversion of the Hero Always Saves The Girl trope.

Jesus, get a load of those horse eyes.
I agree.
She should just BE dead.
Emma Stone should have played MJ
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Maybe they should stop fucking rebooting Spiderman. Nobody wants to see Spiderman's fucking origin story again. Christ.
>he thinks they have to show the origin again

U dumb
They've said multiple times, even when it was first announced, that we won't be seeing an origin story. Even casuals know this, you faggot.
>Anyone else get the feeling that Gwen Stacy shouldn't die any more?

I suppose that technically I don't think she should die anymore, but that's mostly because I don't think she should be used at all.
Non-existence isn't exactly death
But I suppose that people nowadays mainly know Gwen from the Ultimate Universe, Spectacular, or the new movies. No one's read 616 Gwen
Isn't her dying like... ALL she has going for her? If she stays alive, what's the point?
It would be like... like if Uncle Ben lived. Spiderman wouldn't really... you know, be who he is.
She had crying
A lot of crying
>Gwen is a great character
Fuck off, casual.
This is like saying Jason Todd shouldn't die anymore. Of course they should, that's the only reason anyone cares about them.
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It would be better, his uncle would teach him how not to be such a bitch. He would man the fuck up and accept that she passed on to a better place, Ben would be better at giving advice; man to man and all that. Father and son like moments.

When is the last time you fuckers had a nice chat with your father?
616 Gwen was really boring, please.
If anything Spider-Gwen makes me want to kill her even more. I want a Deadpool Kills the Gwen Stacy Universe.

>When is the last time you fuckers had a nice chat with your father?

Never. I can't even manage to put together complete sentences in his presence from sheer disgust.
>When is the last time you fuckers had a nice chat with your father?
Never. I'm not even sure who he was.
People would scream "misogyny".

best gwen
>kill her of because "muh source material"

That was such a fucking retarded move they did. They didn't even understand why the death worked in the comics!
It's funny cause most non-comic media doesn't rely on a death of a Spider-Man love interest. The only time that happened was Amazing Spider-Man 2.
Not post-OMD version and definitely not Slott-era version.
But Loeb would be most likely to bring her back. Do you want Loeb to fight Slott and take over the Spider-Man comics? Do you? Think very carefully on this.
I don't know, fucker wasn't there when we needed him, used my social security number sometime while I was still in the 8th grade in middle school(even though I have never used a credit card beforre) for some goddamn loan that has ruined my credit and only found out about it very early in 2015, didn't pay child support all of these years meaning my mother had(and still does) to work tirelessly for her two sons, and some other shit I rather not get into.
Earlier today? The other responses really explain a lot.
Explain a lot about what?

"Gwen sole survivor in a mass kill disaster."

Make it a running joke.
Maybe they should adapt that for the movies
and keep him dead. by now, he's even worse than he was as robin
He was fine as a Robin. Drake was much worse.
I agree that Red Hood is dogshit, though
Fuck off Conway.
Loeb and Slott are both terrible. I don't know. At least Loeb is a nice guy.
But why bring her back when they already have Spider Gwen jumping around realities every 5 minutes?
This show was never going to have any really big impact in the fandom because it was 100% character-focused and had basically zero plot beyond the Nuke stuff, and there's literally nothing that turns nerd fandoms off more then something that's primarily character-focused.

>inb4 lying faggot

There is no cape show or movie that isn't accused of being FILLER or SOAP OPERA BULLSHIT when it isn't plot-driven. Jessica Jones was all about character and nothing else, which is basically like rubbing your series in exposed plutonium.

People were accusing the whiners of sexism when it was really something way simpler. Nerd fanbases lose their minds over something not being driven by either plot or lore, which is why so many people turned on JJ outside of the Nuke plotline.
>he hasn't read Blue
At this point, we can't fucking get rid of her!!!
From now to the end of time, Spider-Man will be rebooted once every few years, and this sequence will always be followed:
- Peter Parker gains his spider powers.
- Uncle Ben dies.
- Gwen Stacy dies.
- Mysterio declares himself gay for Spider-Man.
- Spider-Man unmasks.
- Spider-Man remasks.
- Peter and Mary Jane sacrifice their love to Satan so Aunt May lives.
- Aunt May dies of old age shortly after marrying Doctor Octopus.
- Doc Oc takes over Spider-Man's body and makes him fuck a midget.
- Peter Parker becomes half Spider-Man, half Asian, and starts a tech business.
- Peter Parker dies to his arch-enemy (a truck) while high on crack.
- Morales becomes the new Spider-Man.
- Morales delivers a weeks-old hamburger to Molecule Man at the end of all things.
Gwen was so boring that she got killed.
That's Sony for you.
There are at least 2 What Ifs that tackle that and both have sort of better outcomes than the regular one.

Not in the slightest. I don't remember the exact quote, but in Howe's book Conway said Gwen NEEDED to die because just like Sue Storm, she represented Stan's fantasies about his wife, the perfect blonde girl. And unlike Sue, she couldn't be saved.

Spider-Gwen only works because the Gwen there has nothing in common with the original Gwen
>Gwen NEEDED to die because ... unlike Sue, she couldn't be saved.
Boy, there's a good argument.

I'm just paraphrasing what Conway told Howe. It's a shit summary I know, but he makes a valid point. Even Sue got personality under Stan, but Gwen had nothing. MJ was simply more interesting.
Did Gwen die in anything other than 616, Ultimate (temporarily) and ASM2?
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I loved her in ASM movie. She had a chemistry with Peter Parker. It was cute and I wished I was 10 years younger, back at the highschool with my crush....

I had so much hope for ASM2 and ASM3. I knew she'd die, I was hoping it'll be the saddest moment in the cape-movies. I wanted to cry watching it.

ASM2 happened and I was totally untouched by it. It wasn't bad-bad, it was just nothing.

God! I need to re-read Spider-Man: Blue
How many of those had Gwen?

It does feel like her only value as a character is "person who dies", because, that's the thing everyone remembers her for.
Since when does getting married make you a whore?
Gwen has no value as a character besides being "love interest who died"
I half-expect future cartoons and shit to just turn her into Spider-Gwen instead of killing her off. Then slowly it will become the norm instead of killing her off. In 20 years, "did you know Gwen Stacy was dead for half a century?" will end up on lists of weird comic facts.
>I loved her in ASM movie. She had a chemistry with Peter Parker.

The actors were actually dating in real life so that's why they had good chemistry.
>Anyone else get the feeling that Bruce Wayne's parents shouldn't die any more? Their death was super shocking back when it first happened but now their death has basically become synonymous with their character and everyone expects it every time they show up in an adaptation. What was once a hugely unexpected twist is now so expected that people become shocked when it doesn't happen. I'm starting to think that we should retire the "Bruce Wayne's parents die in everything" thing and come up with something new and exciting.

>Anyone else get the feeling that uncle Ben shouldn't die any more? His death was super shocking back when it first happened but now his death has basically become synonymous with his character and everyone expects it every time he shows up in an adaptation. What was once a hugely unexpected twist is now so expected that people become shocked when it doesn't happen. I'm starting to think that we should retire the "uncle Ben in everything" thing and come up with something new and exciting.

We could do this all day OP.
The Reimi movies made MJ into a hybrid between her and Gwen until the actual Gwen showed up as Eddy's girlfriend in the third.
She has to fucking die every time like if it is the whole fucking point about her or Marvel will resuscitate her, and I'm not talking about clone Gwen, Spider Gwen or Ultimate Carnage Gwen, I'm talking about te real one.

>B-but literally everyone died and come back to life in the Marvel universe, why can't we have her back?

She has to stay dead because her death was a great, defining page of the story of Spiderman, and undoing it would be an error, like has been an error bringing back Kraven, Harry Osborn and Aunt May, characters whose meaningful death has been taken away in exchange for a worthless existence
Spectacular Spiderman cartoon.

Cancelled for Ultimate.

Read that if there was a 3rd season she wouldn't die
Gwen's entire purpose is to die

That's literally it. You can't just have her not die.
So why is her purpose to die other than
which doesn't really mean much anymore in light of how badly Spider-Man continuity is fucked up?
Are you shitting me? It's a HUGE event in Peter's journey into becoming an adult and a responsible hero. He fucks up super hard and kills his girlfriend.
Why can't life crap on him and kill someone else like his Aunt May. That way he won't have an uncle or an aunt to hold him back
Look, Gwen may be idolized by recent writers as a pure icon, but she was shit
Really, really shit
Dying gave her importance, otherwise she's Debra Whitman tier
>It's a HUGE

So huge that the only thing outside of comics that actually uses it (instead of "referencing" where no one actually dies) is The Amazing Spider-Man 2.
>It's a HUGE event in Peter's journey into becoming an adult and a responsible hero. He fucks up super hard and kills his girlfriend.

Yeah and?

>It's a HUGE event in Peter's journey into becoming an adult and a responsible hero. He fucks up super hard and his uncle is killed.

>It's a HUGE event in Peter's journey into becoming an adult and a responsible hero. He fucks up super hard and Betty Brant's brother is killed, causing a rift in their relationship.

>It's a HUGE event in Peter's journey into becoming an adult and a responsible hero. He fucks up super hard and Gwen's dad dies.

Wasn't he supposed to learn to be a responsible hero the moment that Uncle Ben died?
But that isn't Spectacular Spider-Man Gwen
They said she wouldn't have died in the show but they would have made a straight-to-DVD movie where she would.
Gwen dying was a shock to any casuals who never touched source material. I was out camping a few years before ASM2 came to theatres and the people I was with where talking about how much they loved the "new" Gwen Stacey. And I ruined it for them
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