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Waifu claiming thread. >Claim your Waifu/Husbando >This
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You are currently reading a thread in /b/ - Random

Thread replies: 98
Thread images: 89
File: SleepyHomu (10).jpg (97 KB, 1024x643) Image search: [Google]
SleepyHomu (10).jpg
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Waifu claiming thread.
>Claim your Waifu/Husbando
>This is not /b/, this is /waifu/
>No stealing (unless trips or more)
>No oversexualised content
>No RP of any kind (maybe some on occasion)
>Discussion is welcomed
>Insults must be original
>I want my minimalism back
>3D is almost always trash
>Down with democracy
>Most importantly, have fun!

No sleep edition
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Claiming Seaport Hime again. If you can't sleep, you can at least get in a comfy state.
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Claim and lurk I guess.
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more wind.gif
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How fitting, i have to stay up to 11 already
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Miho claimed
my girlfriend
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Mio Akiyama.jpg
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Claimed, just lurking
that was fast

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Mio Wonder.png
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Mio Wonder
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Nishikino Maki (1).png
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What do you guys get out of "claiming" a drawing? Why is this thread one of the most popular threads on b?
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Syndra (57).jpg
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Morning Brit.

Because it's fun. Plain and simple.
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Yo Mugen!

>No traps
>No cocks
>Not only faggots
>No unecessary shitposting most of the time

Hmm... I wonder why anon
Good afternoon.
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it's silly banter.
and it makes everyone mad.
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Haven't been here in a while, what's been going on?


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Not saying it's stupid, just wondering what you guys get out of it.
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Back in days of old
of certain threads was told
In this thread both famed and shamed
Akiko claimed
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ayy my awakening mage friend.
Ayyyy <3
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The one true Husbando
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I keep forgetting it's so late over there.

Not much. Waiting on the newspapers as usual. You?
I thought you were gone for real this time.
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u wot m8.gif
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My grill chara, how goes it?

Newfag to the threads so i couldnt tell you but yo

oh great its this guy
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Nishikino Maki (22).jpg
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It's okay, don't worry about it kek
Miriel is a solid choice.
I choose this sexy ninja.
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(guys, do we tell him?)
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Don't be an idiot.

That's clearly a Swedish girl.
My first S-link
And will always be my first S every time I replay.
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Trying to stay awake and listening to music really, although I feel like I should be doing something remotely productive.
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A nice community in the middle of /b/ullshit

Jesus Christ no

My man Mugen, everything is fine! Already wrote applications today
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I s rank miriel asap cause laurent and morgan are cute together.
While conversations may revolve around a selected waifu or said anime, that's only a small part of what the threads are about (although a majority of the community here are anime fans). The most apt explanation would be that this is like a sub-board within /b/ that follows a small set of rules that apply to this thread only. Part of the allure being that while we're all anonymous, I can clearly point out Syndra (>>688649430) or Chara (>>688649481), and if I decide to come back tomorrow I can easily tell who's who. This makes it an environment in which we can have in depth conversations over multiple threads, or even days or weeks.
Each person has their own personality, hobbies, interests, and it's much easier to share them here than on the whole of /b/ itself.

There really isn't a purpose, it just exists, and it has blossomed and evolved over time. You meet new people, exchange music, interests and have a place to hang out on your down time, or when you're bored.
Not judging. Is that your husbando?
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Fuck off with your shitty Waifu m8
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Wanted it to be canon so hard.
Needed Morgan to call Laurent Onii-chan.
another get i didn't even notice
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So whatcha up to?

I thought someone already claims Karen.

Why ya trying to stay up? Got stuff to do later?
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Another successful day i take it. Do you know the secret to coffee? I need to stay up until 11 and do things in town but im not a big coffee person. Is there a special mix that will make it amazing?

That was....surprisingly solid. I mean, you are the moogster. I thought you were gonna meme the guy hardcore.
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>Can clearly tell me apart from other anons
aww, how sweet~
Did we even talk yet? I don't think I know you too well besides that you use those strange black teared pictures which seem rather nice

>Claiming Asriel
>Calling my waifu shit
Now you're just trying to make me angry


No idea, I only drink chocolate milk and extremely sugared coffee so I probably stay awake due to sugar

Preach it Mugi
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Yea man it's this guy again
Just rewatching OniAi for the ninth time
Akiko is just too cute. Every time I watch it again I see more and more great pics of her. Even more now that I've learned how to make gifs
>pic related
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spiderman thread.jpg
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It's too adorable. I might actually die.
spodermin no
This is also a very good point.
go to bed chara
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Sup Spideys, get any sleep yet?
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So what you guys doing this morning?
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Been lurking for the last day and a half, it continues

Might as well mention
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images (4).jpg
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Yes, although I was awoken by a lawnmower
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He had a hour long power nap when 4chan was down.
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What's your problem with me claiming Asriel?
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Nishikino Maki (167).jpg
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Not much, just chilling to be honest.
And you?
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Not really, it just feels to early to go to sleep yet, and maybe staying awake will result in me having something to do.
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mio yes.jpg
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Looking online for some manga to buy, it's been a while since I last brought some. You?
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Get better spiderman pictures, those are fucking shit.
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>Even more now that I've learned how to make gifs
Why gifs and not webms?

You might also want to up the quality and or lower the Res, there's some nasty artifacting in that gif and you have far more room to improve the quality since it's so short.
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It's 3 pm here, not bedtime yet!
Not at all Morgan!

There is no problem.
Most people who claim undertale usually turn out to be dickheads... also waifu rule
>insult other waifus
I'm always happy if some anon turns out to be nice and not because he was attracted by me claiming Chara
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here you go faggot
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spodermin, pls. i love you.
embrace it, this is your life now.
Trying to plan the rest of the day, and procrastinating as usual.
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Morning Renge. What's crackin?

Fuck, hate that shit. Think Mio had that problem a week ago. Suggested ear plugs, they work wonders.

I'd believe it.

Same. Another hour and a half of work, and I'll be going home. Not sure if I'll stay up today or not. Sleeps been rather choppy the last few days.

Fair enough. There's nothing for you to work on though? Or is there just nothing you WANT to work on?
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File: WE'RE ALL [Aizawa] NOW.png (975 KB, 1280x732) Image search: [Google]
WE'RE ALL [Aizawa] NOW.png
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Hey everyone.
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mugen swipe.jpg
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Ill try a bunch of sugar and see if it does it for me. Coffee works, i just dont drink it at home

Nice, i just started a show today. Can you teach me how to make them?

Well moogster or not that was pretty solid. Way to lay it down for them.

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Mostly nothing. I've kinda got writers block so I thought I might as well come on 4Chan.
Last ones i bought was Vol.1-3 of Railgun. Now there just collecting dust. I just view online now not worth the $30 i spent.
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There is some slight activity in the loli threads..


Eh, it isn't that bad I got five hours of sleep which is good enough for me.
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b-but spidey-chan ; - ;
hello there, soldier aizawa.
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Nice thumbnail moron
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I just kinda hang around. I talk to a few people but I tend not to hold conversations for too long, mostly lurk and post my OC. Sometimes unintentionally piss a few waifus off.
For Mugi's sake I really should stop using that picture. Too many misconceptions, I'd hate for it to cause any confusion in the future.
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That was one of my early spiderman pictures.
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Nishikino Maki (232).jpg
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yeah same to be honest, friend. Been a rough few weeks.
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Not too much, just went for my morning run, about to get ready for work. Yesterday was a 10/10 day and I'm hoping today will be even half so good.

It is. How's it going Morgan?
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Yeah I can find most of it online, but I'm getting things cheaper than usual. It's nice to have some books around I find. I rarely buy any as it is

Mhmm I did. Luckily it's stopped, but I'm planning to get ear phones as it'll happen again most likely
Thread replies: 98
Thread images: 89

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