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How to make a hot girl instantly unattractive
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How to make a hot girl instantly unattractive
nose ring you pleb
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Eye brows you pleb
u dum fam
Nipple piercing, why fuck up a perfectly good set of tits for edgy bling
let her start talking
find out if she a coal burner
>Piercing(s) other than ears
>Race mixer
>Other race features
>Problem hair
Yeah I have to be honest my gf got a nose ring and I hate it so much.
race mixing is the only bad thing on that list fukboi
If you have no standards, sure.
I don't get it. What do you guys hate so much about piercings? Because it signals a girl is a slut? That's a good thing, no?
>"hold on, let me go pack a bowl"
Tats on the legs and or across the chest, fucking disgusting daddy issues alert
Slut does not = good, unless you are simply after a few fucks and don't mind sticking it in a used sheath.
>all of those apart from race
So you're attracted to boring people
There is a middle ground between displaying undesirable traits/choices and being dull. Decent girls don't need to be a walking billboard of their personality and its issues.
there are only few people i find attractive with those FUKBOI
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>trips speak truth
>also tattoos
Because they look fucking stupid. Is it that hard to work out?
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Like that?
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I'd rather suffer almost anything else. I've dated girls who smoked, drank too much, did drugs, had loads of piercings, tats, and I never cared about any of it. They all had nice hands and feet though...
Septum piercings are gross, and problem hair is ugly, tattoos are fine, as long as they are tasteful
But i just bought that daddy issues shirt!
It's more fun when they let it slip in calling you daddy as a pet name or take an eager interest in being scolded.
If she's a vapid cunt that'll do it.

Piercings don't bother me much as long as they are there for the aesthetics, and not just decoration of the baggage they carry around.

Thick eyebrows are a turn off.

Moles are pretty bad too.

Long nail, cigarettes, drug-users are given the bum-rush. I hate that shit.

Fucked up tits are pretty bad a well, there needs to be a certain Aeriola to actual nipple ratio.

Also, can't stand large noses.

Or vocal femenists
checked. not naked, easy.
>plot twist

What features make a woman instantly more attractive?
Thanks, daddy
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piercing all in general is fucking pathetic.
You're welcome, sweetheart.
great charismatic smile with a beautiful set of pearly whites. a good smile instantly makes anyone more attractive.
I love me a pair of tits with barbells.
Well, thats just like your opinion, man.
Nice smile, big eyes. Maybe even freckles
it's fact now faggot
>guages too
Of fucking course
'I'm so desperate for interesting girls, I'll settle for ones that follow liberal meme-tier trends'

If a girl is dumb enough to follow other women in retarded social trends, she's not worth banging or having a relationship with.

I've banned my girlfriend from; high heels, makeup, various piercings, miniskirts, eyebrow shaping, gaudy earrings, tattoos, hair dye etc. Which suits her just fine because she doesn't do most of that anyway.

You know what makes girls interesting? When they have personalities, intelligence, goals and interests. Or when they surprise you by doing random things
Well, then no tits for you asshole
>she's dumb as bricks
>that saying is stupid because dumb is a speech impediment
>she's also religious
>implying you're a girl
Good breasts
No extra flan on the face
Casual dress, no fancy shit unless warranted.
Dark, deep eyes
Uncommon punky hair-style or just long.
Black hair
Thin eyebrows
Very slightly crazy
Tight, shaved or trimmed vagina.
That means you got some issues with controlling your partner?
Now it just hurts :(
>she smokes
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r8 my grill
Art student/10
10/10 would Weird Al Yankovic again
There are no issues. I just have standards.
My girlfriend doesn't follow most of that retarded stuff anyway. If she did, I wouldn't find her attractive, and would probably just go find someone else.

Agree on
Good breasts
... if flan means makeup, sure
Casual dress, agreed.
Preferred, but not necessary IMO.
I prefer natural, straight hair.
eyebrows don't really bother me
I don't particularly like glasses, but no issue.
Ambivalent to cosplaying
All women are at least very slightly crazy
Agreed on last point.
She's not an art student but is crazy about cinema

studies journalism
You sound like such a fucking pussy lol, just let her do the things she'd like, and if she does any of the turn offs she's not the right one for you. Sad af if you have to ban things in order to stay attracted to her lel
Those eye brows are worse than the nose ring.
I'm sure if a bitch was hot enough yoj would put aside your silly rules in a heartbeat.
Did you know that people make Voldemort rule34?
>You sound like such a fucking pussy lol
Anon is dominating his woman and keeping her in line by setting boundaries.

>just let her do the things she'd like
You are a pussy that's going to let her do whatever the fuck she wants, whenever, with whomever, and then be completely fine when you start to drift apart because she realizes you have an even bigger vagina than she does and aren't exciting at all.
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Bahaha ,feeling better theb every body else are we?
People who emphasize "standards" ali the same olas those religious freaks from westboro.


The fuck you doing on /b/ the
she clearly has some thyroid gland problems, those eyes drop the score from whatever to 2/10 at most
Tell her to brush her hair
Now I'm intrigued.
How does it feel to have one rolling along the top surface of your dick?
being 12
cebule nie chodzÄ… na FMF w CK
Not him, but I remember being told something along those lines when I was younger about fat chicks. Conversation went something like:

me: I've never fuck a fat chick because I have standards

friend: yeah right if a fat chick offered to fuck you you'd do it in a heartbeat

me: no, i'd turn her down

friend: well then you're gay

10 years later, not a virgin, never fucked a girl below my standards. friend is still pulling garbage pussy. that's gonna be you in 10 years.
Aye, i can stand by that
This is what she gets after brushing. Normally the're a bit less puffed

It feels like it doesn't belong there and breaks all immersion.

source: experience

Her hair... oh shit

Jezusie Nazareński, Królu Żydowski, kogo to tylko desperaci nie ruchają...
current girl i'm fucking has one and i've never even noticed when she gives me head.... what kind of moron uses their nose ring when they're sucking dick anyway? I can barely even feel her tongue ring. All of that stupid shit is a gimmick to make them feel sluttier, nothing more.
>how to make a 5 into a 7*
Are you going to have a fit about how people decide to look now? Nothing else to complain about? You're free to hold the opinion you do, more girls with nose rings for me, but what's the point of this thread faggot?
Odpowiem grzecznie: kwestia gustu. Mi siÄ™ podoba straszliwie, a desperatem nie jestem.
Lool I'm pretty cute and I'm into dudes, mainly. But what I'm talking about is these dumbfucks saying they wouldn't fuck a bitch if she had tats or piercings. As if if a bitch was hot enough they would do it. And i did say hot enough if you can read hunny bunny.
>nose ring
>tanning lotion
>nail biting
>enlarged lips
>quads of truth
is that a positive or negative "oh shit" lol
>Piercing(s) other than ears
Facial piercings just make you look like a 2edgy try hard.

Belly button piercings just look plain trashy.
my gf got her septum done without even mentioning it to me at all, and after she got it done she got upset when i asked her about it? wtf?
Wear a Make America Great Again shirt...
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If someone is unattracted to you, learn to see that as an unattractive trait in them.
You're trying to use sarcasm on the internet, with incorrect grammar, 'hunny'. It's your fault people don't understand you.
Out of experience, nipple piercings both look hot and are incredibly fun for both you and the girl (they make the nipples much more sensitive). The only non-ear piercing I find attractive
You stick a black penis in her face
ITT: /b/ pretends it has standards.
Loool you don't even know what sarcasm is. I was being passive aggressive to get you a lil mad. And it works, this thread reaks of male insecurity.
Trips warrant a response.
Here are some actual ways to ruin a 10/10
a lot of these go hand in hand.
>batshit crazy. the big one. a little crazy is okay, I'm a little fucked in the head so it's nice to have someone who's fucked up the same ways I am but any more than a 3/10 on the crazy scale and it starts to subtract points from the hot scale. Must be a 10/10 for me to consider sticking my dick in 10/10 crazy even as a one time thing.
>overly religious and tries to convert you
>Close minded
>Dumber than a sack of dicks/ can't seem to talk about anything other than fashion/makeup.
>never ever seen without makeup
>Overly clingy. Clingy is nice in small doses. It makes me feel wanted. I like it. But I'm talking, "arranged for a fwb situation and she wants a relationship after the first time you have sex" clingy. I'll take two tickets on the nope train all the way to fuckthat-ville please
Just a few, I'm too lazy to type.

OP you're a faggot for thinking body mods are a dealbreaker, I don't have any nor want any but my point still stands. You might actually get laid if you weren't so judgmental if what other people do with their bodies.

Obligatory "hurr durr my dick would ruin her cause it'd split her in two"
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Dnt /b/ hurt bae
Bitch wasn't hot to begin with. Kinda makes me want McDonald's somehow.
Tits are nice now , I sent them to her bro
Sad thing about that is you know it was the same dude who toom those pics.
Agreed. I even smoke but if I date chicks who do I feel guilty if I don't bum them cigs when they're out, then they start bumming off all the time because they know I have them and stop buying their own.
Dem tittys are gross. Reminiscent of mashed potatoes
Man if that happens pretend you quit. Or like give her once thats laced with Pcp, see how that shit turns out.
fair enough. I can agree with that. Your first reply wasn't me, by the way.

I will say though that what you said only really applies if someone isn't completely turned off by them. If someone absolutely hates facial piercings and isn't a desperate virgin i can definitely see them turning down a hot girl.

It's kind of like when that friend of mine would try to convince me by saying shit like "yeah but fat girls give really good head" or something along those lines. So what? If your dick gets soft just looking at someone there isn't going to be much sex going on anyway.
Your gay ghosts are a little odd , but what you say is right on
Whys that?
I'm think she was probably a wanna be emo slut when she was young, whored around a bit, got knocked up and gained weight, and now looks like a flabby trainwreck but still acts like a slut.
Or just tell her no, you fucking bitches.
Actually recoiled as I scanned through the image.
I know her. Used to be emo, just got fat. Showed her brother these, it was so funny
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Recoiled? Anyone remember condom bj girl? Same one
Would end the relationship rather quickly, that's for sure.
Never had access to php but could dip the filter in liquid 'cid for a delayed response trip.
Nicotine withdrawals are a bitch.
I don't wan't her irritable with me, even if she's stupid for starting a habit she doesn't have the means to support.
Yeah i get that i mean if i brought home a girl with bits of metal and plastic all in her face. Id be embarrassed if my mother saw that shit.

Fat chicks genuinely scare me. Firstly they gross as fuck. But There is something limitless about their desperation, they will do anything to harpoon some poor sap. Happened to my friend and she keeps getting fatter.
Why think about hot girl when you have boypucci available?
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different hair and eye makeup could change so much
That is beautiful
1. She doesn't dye her hair ever
2. She simply forgot her bag of cosmetics when she came over for the weekend -> what you see is my grill without any makeup at all
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>nose ring
what next, an ear tag?
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>any kind of liberal

really that's about it. I have a ton of tattoos, so I can't complain if a girl has tattoos or piercings.
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>why the fuck atheist girls would be a turnoff
mine is not even baptised, yet is a better person than most christians
Give them a black boyfriend
too much conflict of ideology. I wouldn't want her to go to hell, and she'd see me as some evangelizing zealot.

It's a moot point anyway, as I have been married to a Christian woman for 3 years.
Marry her
Find out she has a kid.
underrated post
Everyone and I mean, EVERYONE, follows social trends, we're a social species you dolt.
>implying that that's possible
Good like finding a race that fits into your 'pure' category. Also science completely disagrees with you, enjoy the shrinking gene pool and the problems that brings.
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