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Is getting a girl drunk then fucking her a sure fire way of getting
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Is getting a girl drunk then fucking her a sure fire way of getting pussy?
and a sure way of being charged wth rape, if the girl ends up knowing what you did, get drunk and high with her
of course if the only way for you to get laid is with a drunk/high girl then im pretty sure you are just an ugly fucker with a shit personality
Its how all the alphas do it. Don't be a bitch. Tap that ass, OP, especially after she's full of vodka cranberries.
You're Implying as if I'm going to be associating with chicks like that and them not wanting it while drunk.
i dont know if i read this the wrong way but if you try to get her drunk just so you can have sex with her it still counts as rape, unless of course you both get drunk and high then its more ethical i guess but still kinda unethical
and as this >>17250024 anon said fratboys tend to do it because its an easy way to get laid but if the girl claims rape you are fucked
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Drunk sex is not rape. Please stop trying to force this bullshit
but it is anon if she is drunk as shit and you arent because you are clearly taking advantage of her, that is of course assuming you are not also drunk and picrelated is probably an attention whore, but she does make a point, personal responsibility is important.
i dunno i've been shitfaced drunk before and i still rejected this poo in loo dude who tried to feel me up at this party.
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