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How do I avoid this feeling?
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drift into the abyss.png
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20 years old, just finished 2nd year at uni with (so far) much better grades than I've been scraping by with the rest of the time I've been there.

I figured I'd feel pretty good with things, as I'm in a stable relationship of 4 1/2 years, moving into a place with my SO for 10 weeks in about 3 weeks time to spend the summer with her, and I've been keeping up with my close friends from back home etc etc.

However, I can't help but just feel like everything is pointless or not worth it. I don't want what I have to stop / leave, but equally I look at it all and I'm just not getting the happiness from it that I think I should be.

I have things going pretty good for me, realistically, but it's almost as if its not enough / I'm disappointed with myself / my life. I want to avoid feeling like this (whatever 'this' is) and go back to how I was a few years back where I could take things in my stride.

Any help?


>things going well in life
>feel as though I should be enjoying it way more than I actually am
>everything feels pointless
>am i broken

>pic kinda unrelated(?)
Typical 19 year old bullshit

It, too, will pass.

>Typical 19 year old bullshit

Is that sort of like the same thing as "It's just a phase" almost?
Could also be depression/hormone imbalance. I'm diagnosed medicated for depression etc and the #1 way I can tell I'm going to the Depression Zone is that I'll be with a group of friends laughing and telling jokes and i just don't feel anything or get anything out of it
I think it's a very natural thing. When things go really well for a while you naturally start some introspection and start overanalysing everything. You convince yourself things aren't good and that there's a better way of doing things and you throw away everything that matters.

I was in your position, stable, doing well for myself and I started to doubt. I followed my doubts and left university and it took me 2 years to recover from the misery I inflicted upon myself. If things are going well, enjoy them, don't spend your life telling yourself they should be better or there's more happiness out there.

Happiness is a state of mind, and it comes and goes. Nobody is happy all the time.

Spend some time with the people you care about and wait it out. It should go away on it's own. I don't think bailing from uni is a good idea. Life is often underwhelming, don't ruin a good thing because you think the grass is greener.

Source: 21 year old NEET, dropped out of uni at 19 due to feeling like you did, nearly killed myself as a result.
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