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Dare you to name a more complete squad than this in anime/manga.
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Thread replies: 30
Thread images: 16
File: Kuroko Generation of Miracles.jpg (545 KB, 1820x1300) Image search: [Google]
Kuroko Generation of Miracles.jpg
545 KB, 1820x1300
Dare you to name a more complete squad than this in anime/manga.

Pro tip: You really can't

Doesn't have to be restricted to sports series.
Slam Dunk.
File: 9.jpg (610 KB, 1576x1196) Image search: [Google]
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it wasn't very hard at all
Kuroko movie hype. Can't wait to see Extra Game animated.
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Seido third years.
Never read Eyeshield 21, I see.
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File: Daiki.jpg (118 KB, 500x500) Image search: [Google]
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Who is best GoM?
They'd wash the fuck out of them in a match though.
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File: Sinbad.jpg (269 KB, 1578x825) Image search: [Google]
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File: oniisama.jpg (23 KB, 476x268) Image search: [Google]
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Why is Kuroko the MC when he is the weakest?
>more complete squad
the fuck does that mean?
File: kitano.jpg (242 KB, 1456x1147) Image search: [Google]
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a squad that makes op squad not seem really complete.
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The slut one.
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Squad needs several people, anon.
Even onii sama can't rewrite that rule.
File: haikyuu.jpg (166 KB, 1280x720) Image search: [Google]
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Easiest post of my life.
Wrong team.
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>2 of each kind
Sorry lads i posted the wrong pic.
They had the old guard and the new guard. Worked out. They had the older guys bring everyone together with experience, and when they had problems the enthusiasm and rivalry from the younger ones pushed them all forward.
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Thread replies: 30
Thread images: 16

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