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C86 Tachibana-san Circumstances With Men
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そう 私はユウくんのもの
これからのこと次第で この子に深いキズを与えてしまう可能性もある
从此以后可能因为那件事 很可能给那孩子造很大的伤害
无论是在那个时候 还是在别的时候
‘‘‘‘ええ それで様子はどうかしら?
恩 然后情况进展得如何
恩 调查确实在进展着啦工作归工作啦
急いではいるがまた下準備といったところだ もう少し時間はかかる ‘‘‘‘
虽然在加紧办 但是还是姑且在准备中的阶段 稍微要花点时间`````
嘛 最迟下个也末的话会有好消息报告上来的吧
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恩 下周 吗
虽然有若干的风险 但现在就实施抓捕的话也不是不可以
‘‘‘いえ 確実性優先でお願いするわ 特に2人の分は絶対に‘‘‘
不 拜托你要证据确凿后在下手 特别是哪2个人的```` 请务必
‘‘‘分かった 何かあったら連絡をくれ
我明白了 如果还有什么事随时联络我
気にするな 君と私の仲じゃないか こちらは任せてくれ
别客气 我们不是好朋友么 交给这边来办吧
‘‘‘うーん コッチも体張るかなあ
恩`````` 我们这边还是拿出点干劲来比较好吧

切った張ったに比べれば 楽なもんだろう?
与其坚决紧张 还不如放轻松点比较好
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もしあの男が今週来るとしたら‘‘‘突っぱねる? いえ、ここに押しかけられでもしたら‘‘‘
要是那个男的这周就来的话 拒绝他吗? 不 万一他硬要来 跑到家里来的话
‘‘‘ ‘‘‘ はあ
それじゃ出てくるわね 晩ご飯までには戻ると思うから
那么我就先出去了 估计晚饭时分回来
うん いってらっしゃい
恩 请走好(傻x跟宗都不会)
っあ あそこ 寄らなきゃ
啊 不顺便路过那里的话
サイズは‘‘‘ 一番大きいのよね
尺寸的话 是最大的吧
L‘‘‘じゃなくて こっちの‘‘‘極‘‘‘の方?
L 不止 是这里的极度这种?
一箱‘‘‘は6個で‘‘‘ じゅ、十回とか言ってたかしら‘‘‘
一合共6个的话```` 好像他说要干10回的样子
不对 说不定他会以套子用完的借口 想要无套直接来干也说不定
但是呢```如果预备的多的话 祈不是变成我期待他多干几回了```````
くっそー‘‘‘ この爆乳お姉さんにゴム買わせるとか‘‘‘
可恶-- 这样爆乳的大姐姐居然在买套套什么的`````
而且男方还是巨大尺寸啦! 靠妖
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よっ 遠路はるばる来たぜ
哟 大老远赶来了哦
‘‘‘ようこそ、と言う気は全く無いわよ 人も多いし早く乗って頂戴
我可不想对你说欢迎光临的话 这里人很多 快点坐上来
看不到 本以为你会非常期待我来的说
イヤな冗談ね 家に押しかけるなんて 脅しつけられなければ来ていないわ
少开玩笑了 一想到你要上门的话 要不是被危险 根本不可能会来
スーツ かっこいいね デキる女って感じ
套装很酷嘛 有种能干的女人的感觉
それで どうするの
然后 你想怎样做
さあ?あなたの用がなければ さっさと帰るわ
撒 要是你没什么事的话 就给赶紧回去好了
つれねーなあ で何時までいけんの?
真无趣呢 你能呆到几点
遅くとも 3時までには 切り上げて頂戴‘‘‘
最迟的话 到3点左右给我结束吧
はやっ カラオケでも行ってイチャイチャしようと思ってたんだけどなー
真快 还想去卡啦欧k什么的好好的玩一玩的说~
(見えない)どっか入っちゃおうか オレもすっげー溜まってるし ヤリてーし
看不到 总之先进去吧 我也攒了很久 超想干的啦
こっちのラブホは 結構ちげーなあ ケンロウっつーか プライド高そうっつか
这里的爱情旅馆 真是差别很大嘛 监狱什么的 让人情调高涨什么的
私も詳しいわけじゃないけど ここは少し高価い所 ‘‘‘少しでも見咎められ にくそうな施設を探したのだから
我对这些又不是非常熟 这里是稍微贵一点的地方 尽量想找一些不容易被人发现的地方
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(見えない)どうなってしまうのか‘‘‘ 自分でもわからない
看不到 到底会变成怎样 老实说自己也不知道
既没有像那个时候一样喝醉 也没有被喂什么奇怪的药
但是 假设那样我也得到了快感的话 也没什么好悲观的
それだけのことだと 割り切る‘‘‘
那也一定要和那种东西 一刀两断
その荷物カメラとか入ってないでしょうね‘‘‘ またそういうことなら帰るわよ
那个包包里不会又装着录像机什么的吧 如果又干上次一样的事情的话 我就回去了
‘‘‘何この道具 後のお楽しみ
是什么道具 你就期待着吧
今日は落とすの優先だかんな シラフでやりすぎっとキレんのがこえーし
今天攻陷你是最优先啦 清醒状态下 干得太过分导致和我断交那就太可怕了
(見えない)んなこといって ンツは期待してんでしょ?
看不到 什么嘴里说着 其实是很期待的吧
(continue same page)


ん‘‘‘ ちっマジで濡れてないのかよ
触っていれば そのうちぬれると思うわ
一応ケータイでも撮れっけど セフレ確定してから 進めんのが確実だよなあ
虽然手机什么的也可以拍下来 因为认定是性伴侣了 所以得寸进尺了吧
不会湿 为什么强来反而是反效果

呀 干什么
这种状态的话 是因为我没顶着你的阴部吧
オ‘‘‘‘‘‘え‘‘‘ そうだけど
阴 诶 话是这么说
你 你想干什么
用我的大吊给你摩擦摩擦 让你回忆些东西起来
至少 洗个藻
どーぜ 浴びてきたっしょ?
反正你 也是洗过了才来的吧
舐められても大丈夫なように念入りに奥まで洗って きちゃったんだろう?
洗到即使让我舔也每关系的程度仔细地连里面都洗了 才来的吧
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想起来了吗 看不到 诶诶
‘‘‘でも、くだらないと 思いながらも‘‘‘
但是 虽然无趣 但是 回忆也``````
私は確かにあの夜のことをその時の衝動を‘‘‘ 鮮明に思い出してしまっていた‘‘‘
我确实是把那夜的事情和当时的冲动 都鲜明地回忆起来了
このオッパイが 忘れらんなかったなあ
这个胸部 真是让人无法忘却啊
しっかり思い出したってことは、もう 濡れてるってこと?
切实地回忆起来了的话 也就是说 已经开始湿润了吧

うわ タイツまでシミ広がってるぜ
呜哇 居然湿润到在黑丝上扩散开来了
阴部也是 你看
听着巨大的水声即使否定着 也被羞耻深深地刺激````
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话说回来 真是不知道那群傻b在想些什么
如果被我碰上你这么棒的女人 不出3日早把你推倒了
不管多么冷酷的女人结局都是一样 个个还不尽是想着作爱 纳?
一派胡言 那是不可能 的吧
只是稍微玩弄了一下 阴蒂也这般勃起了
嘛 京香桑真是幸运呢
又是在性欲旺盛的时候遇上我了 你说是吧
‘‘‘そんなわけないでしょう 勝っ手なことをベラベラと
怎么可能会有那种事情 尽是一个人在那里自说自话
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‘‘‘嫌‘‘‘だけど でもあの日散々‘‘‘
不要 话虽这么说 但是那一晚可是被亲得```````
越是激烈抵抗 心里却反而在想 上次都已经亲了那么多次了 这次就接受了吧
啊 不行
一度許したことだと 思うと強く‘‘‘拒めない‘‘‘
只要一次有允许他这么干 一但回想起来 就无法再拒绝了
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ちょっとっ‘‘‘ 待‘‘‘ちなさい 着けるって 約束、でしょう
桥豆 嘛 吉纳赛衣 约定过要戴的吧
つける つける 約束だかんな
戴啦 戴啦 因为约定过的呢 哈
無視 無視
カリもまあそこそこ フィットしてっかな ナマが恋しくなったら いつでも言ってくれよ
紧至度也是刚刚好 真是合身啊 要是恋上无套的话 无论什么时候都可以跟我说哦
やっぱり すごい‘‘‘サイズ‘‘‘
果然 还真是厉害的尺寸
でもあの時ほどには‘‘‘ いかがわしい薬が なければ‘‘‘こんなものよね‘‘‘ ただ‘‘‘太くて長いだけの‘‘‘
但是要比起那个时候 如果没有那可疑的药的话 也只不过如此而已呢 `````只不过````又粗又长而已`````
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奥を突き上げられると どうしても押し出されるように息が漏れてしまう
只要深处一被顶起来 气息就好像被强制挤出一般 泄漏出来
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ベッドだと シワになるわね
去床上 制服会弄上皱纹的吧
‘‘‘?! ‘‘‘え オレ‘‘‘私が‘‘‘ 嘘‘‘‘ だってそんなに声も‘‘‘あげてない‘‘‘くらいで
````? 诶 我 我怎么 骗人 居然没有什么激烈拒绝的言词 就`````
んあ もうけっこー時間経ってんな やっぱ楽しい時は時間過ぎるの早いよなー
恩啊 已经完了挺长一段时间了吧 果然在快活的时候 时间过得就是快呢
要是时间到了 我就回去了哦
大丈夫 大‘‘‘丈夫 でも‘‘‘ 気持ち良い‘‘‘
没关系 没 关系 但是 好舒服``````
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啊 已经 要射了
ん‘‘‘もう堪えが きかなくなったのね‘‘‘ 今日までずっとシってなかったって‘‘‘本当のこと‘‘‘だったのかしら
恩 已经忍不住了吗 看来不行了吧 到今天为止一直忍着不做 难到是真的吗
っ! そうだ ちゃんと着けたままか 細かく確認するの‘‘‘ 忘れてた‘‘‘
啊!对了 忘记仔细确认 到底是不是还好好地戴着套了
あ‘‘‘良かった 着けてるわね‘‘‘
啊````真是太好了 还戴着呢
ほら 口開けてなっ
喂 把嘴巴张开
诶 啊
まって あなたのはすぐには 先だけでいーって!
(看不到) 等等 你的话稍微先等等 劳资先射一发
ん‘‘‘ すごい量
恩 不得了的量
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約束守ってゴム着けてんだからさ ちゃんとサービスしてくれよな
我可是遵守约定好好戴着套哦 你就好好给我服务一下吧
うへっ すっげ出たなあ もうセーシ 飲めるよな?
呜嘿 射了很多吧 已经能习惯喝精子了吧
‘‘‘‘‘‘ 多いし‘‘‘濃いし‘‘‘ 本当に溜めてたのね‘‘‘
又多 又浓 真的是积攒了很久了呢
でも‘‘‘ええ 大丈夫‘‘‘ やっぱりあの夜は薬とかのせいで身体がおかしくなってただけ‘‘‘
但是 诶诶 居然没问题``` 果然要只是归结于那晚喝了药的问题而导致身体变奇怪的话
撒 连庄 连庄
それでも ゆうクンとよりは感じちゃうけど‘‘‘ 年や経験とか‘‘‘ そういう差があるし
即使那样 虽然说比起优君的话更有感觉 不管怎么说年龄和经验什么的总是有差距的
何よりあの子との時に得られる愛しさや‘‘‘あたたかい 充足感も無い
而且和那孩子做的时候所收获的爱 温暖和充足感 是比什么都要好的 这些这里都没有
ちょっ‘‘‘と 嫌っ‘‘‘ それ着けてないでしょう
等等 不要 你没有戴那个吧(套子)
あ バレた?
啊 被发现了?
真是的 正是因为这样才一点都不能放松警惕
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じゃ 次のステップ 行ってみようーか
那么 试试看进入接下来的阶段吧
とりあえず それでトイレいってきてよ
首先 用那玩意去上个厕所出来
あの夜 娘が同じことをされていたと思うと‘‘‘ 強く拒否することはできそうにもなかった‘‘‘
只要一想起 那一晚 女儿们也被做了同样事情 就 变得好像无法强烈地去拒绝了 (````橘妈这关你啥事)
这耻辱 我想也是一种惩罚吧
それ ‘‘‘自分でするわ
那个 我自己来
無理ムリ1人じゃ差し込むのも一苦労だって キョーカさんの可愛い尻穴なんてもう見まくってるから
不行不行 1个人的话 要想自己注入是很费劲的 京香那可爱的菊穴我早就想好好欣赏了
今更恥ずかしがってもな お尻上げる感じで こっちに‘‘‘ 四つんばいでな
现在还害个什么羞啊 把屁股翘起来 上这里来 四肢着地的姿势哦
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まず ローションっと 動かないでねー
首先 先用润滑液````` 不要动哦
全部入ったら トイレに行って いーから
如果全部注进去的话 去上厕所就行了啦
ほ、本当に入ってきてる‘‘‘ すごい‘‘‘変な感じ‘‘‘
真 真的正在注进来 好厉害 奇怪的感觉
つっ‘‘‘!~~~ っく‘‘‘‘‘‘!
拟声词 拟声词
ほい これで全部 ん?ここでしてみる?
好了 这就全部注进去了 恩 想在这里排么?
しないわよ‘‘‘ ‘‘‘‘‘‘立つまで 手、貸して頂戴‘‘‘
才不是 手 扶我站起来``````
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待って! もしかして‘‘‘
等等! 难道说你想````(舔橘妈菊穴)
こんくらいしないと 裂けちゃうかもよ?
要是不这么做的花 说不定会裂开哦
つ‘‘‘‘‘‘ んつ‘‘‘ くう‘‘‘
拟声词 拟声词 拟声词
恩 接下来轮到手指
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ほ、本当にするの‘‘‘? 変な‘‘‘感じ‘‘‘
真 真的要做吗 好奇怪 的感觉
あーでもナマで前ハメさせてくれんだったら カンベンしてあげてもいーかな
啊啊 如果你能让我无套用前面做个够的话 就饶了你也说不定
第一次做这么变态事情 要说到那里的价值的话
ゴージョーだねえ(这句什么玩意 好好润滑?)

至少慢一点做 哦
好啦 京香的菊穴処女我就收下———啦
优君 对不起 (JIN你这畜生 劳资胃又痛了)

ほら さっきよりもっと「出す気」でやんないと 入れないぜ
喂 你要是不更加像刚才上厕所那样向后用力的话 我可是进不去的哦
え‘‘‘ でも
空っぽだから 何もでないって 普段からきっちり 閉まってんだから そーしないと開かねえし
已经被弄得空空的 什么都没有了 比平时更加紧紧地闭在一起了 你要是不那么做的话可是张不开的哦
うほ 結構すんなり入ったな
HOHO 还真是顺利地进入了呢
なっ‘‘‘何‘‘‘ この感じ‘‘‘ 違和感が‘‘‘凄い‘‘‘
什 什么 这种感觉 一种剧烈的違和感```````
んじゃ このまま おくまで入っちゃうよ~
不错嘛 我就这样 直入深处为止了哦
待っ‘‘‘て あっあくっ‘‘‘
等```` 等 啊 啊 咕``````
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うし これで全部 入ったか?
哟西 这样的话就全部进入了吧
自分の‘‘‘中が どうなってるのか‘‘‘よく分からない‘‘‘
自己的里面变成怎样了 已经不是十分清楚了
ただ‘‘‘ 凄まじい圧迫感が‘‘‘あるだけ‘‘‘
虽然只是 感觉到剧烈的压迫感
但是 菊口的地方 却能清楚地感觉到阴茎的脉动
次はゆっくり 抜いてっからなあ‘‘‘
接下来 我要慢慢地拔出来了哦
つ‘‘‘埋まってから 引き抜かれる時の‘‘‘感じが‘‘‘ あ‘‘‘信じられない‘‘‘なに‘‘‘これ‘‘‘
つ 塞进去之后 又拔出来时的感觉 真是让人难以至信? 这到底是什么 (拉出来的感觉?)
おっと ギリギリ狙ったら抜けちゃった でも抜ける瞬間のキョーカさんの腰の 痙攣凄かったぜ もう感じちゃった?
哦TO 想拉到最边缘 结果拔出来了 但是拔出的一瞬间 京香的腰真实剧烈地痉挛了呢 已经感觉到了吗
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基本已经习惯了吧 要不要来干得激烈点
やっ‘‘‘駄目‘‘‘! お尻のア‘‘‘んっ‘‘‘こ、壊れちゃうっ‘‘‘
呀 不要 屁股的穴 恩 要被弄坏了
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ふー ブジ経験済みになったな ダイジョウーブ 血もついてないし 切れたりはしてないみたい
呼- 真是好好地学到了经验了呢 没关---系 也没有粘上血 好像没有裂开的样子
先去浴室洗干净 反正要好好休息一下 就好好地来泡一泡吧
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はあ なんでアナタたち一緒に入りたがるのかしら
啊`` 为什么你们会想一起进来洗呢
如果对于只干一发就结束的对相的话 是不会想这样一起洗的哦
ゴムが無いから 挿れて終わらせて言えないだろうし ここでジックリ 焦らして のぼせさせてやるぜ
因为没有套套了嘛 又不能说赶紧插完结束 就在这里不慌不忙地让她焦急 引她上钩
ちょっと アトは絶対つけないでよ
我说 接下来可是绝对不戴了哦
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ぷは! ‘‘‘のぼせちゃうし やめて欲しいんだけど
呼哈 得寸进尺了 虽然很想不错了的说
そうそう 折角覚えたんだしさ
对拉对啦 难得好好记住了方法了嘛
已经 在老公身上试验过了吗
後ろめたさもあったけど 少しでも悦ばせたくて‘‘‘
虽然感觉非常惭愧 但是稍微有点想取悦他一下```
いやっ‘‘‘ 待って‘‘‘
不要 等等
你打算要这样 弄到什么时候
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はい 橘です あ、ユウくん?
是我 橘 啊 优君?
なっ‘‘‘ 何して‘‘‘
你 干什么
ええ 2人のどちらかが出るかと思ったけど ユウくん下にいたのね
诶 本以为会是那两个孩子中的哪一饿来接 结果是优君接到了呢
うん 恩

それでだけど ちょっと今日も遅くなってしまうかもしれないから
话说回来 因为今天稍微可能会变得迟一点也说不定
分かった 姉さん達にも伝えっておくね
知道了 我会告诉姐姐他们的
振りほどきたいけど 音で不審がらられたら‘‘‘ 嫌がちせにも程があるわ‘‘‘
虽然想不理会那个在后面操动的家伙 但是要是可疑的声音被听到的话 让人讨厌也稍微有个限度好不好
この感じ着けてない‘‘‘ ナマ されてる
这种感觉 是没有戴套吧 被 直接干了
都合がつかなかったらお寿司とか 頼んでも良いからね
要是不方便的话 叫寿司外卖也可以哦
うん りょーかい
恩 了解
大変だと思うけど 頑張って京香さん
感觉真是非常辛苦呢 京香请加油 (我操 我真是哭笑不得)
ええ あなたも‘‘‘ でもムリしては駄目よ? 遊んだりするのも 学びのうちなんだから
恩恩 你也是 但是不要太过勉强哦 时不时玩耍一下 也是学习的一份呢

っ‘‘‘く! ‘‘‘な 何してくれってんのよっ!
苦 你到底在干什么啊 !
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看不到 边说边干真是厉害呢
訳の分からない ことを言わないで‘‘‘ それにっ‘‘‘
别说些莫名其妙的花 另外
これ‘‘‘ 着けて‘‘‘ないでしょ 約束破ったわね‘‘‘
这个 没有戴吧 这不是打破约定了吗
分かってるでしょ もう‘‘‘ 帰るわっ‘‘‘ だから‘‘‘
你知道的吧 所以 我已经 要回去了

あなたには自分がナニしてるか‘‘‘ 分かって‘‘‘ないの?
你到底在干些什么 难道 不知道吗

っ‘‘‘それでも この場で過剰な刺激はできない‘‘‘ 警戒されては 彼女の方が大変になる
即使那样 在这种场合下也不能过分地刺激他 要是起了疑心 她那一方就变得麻烦了
但是 这个男的的自觉性还真是令人呆然地低呢
いや そーゆうじゃなくって ヤバくなってきてんだろ? こっちからしたらバレバレだかんな
不是 话不能这么说啦 感觉变得不妙了吧 只要我这边一做 你就完全暴露了嘛
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なー 自分でも分かってるよねー
我说 你自己也知道的吧
最初のときガッカリしたんだろう アレを期待して 来たのにってね
最初的时候感觉有点失望吧 明明是期望着那个才来的吧
確かに‘‘‘私は ホっとしていた‘‘‘
我确实 放松警惕了
やっぱりあの日は薬とか‘‘‘ のせいだんたんだと納得できて‘‘‘
我总是以 果然是那一天药的缘故呢来说服自己
‘‘‘ええ 諦めがついたと思ってしまったのは‘‘‘本当かもしれない
说不定是真的 故意想让自己想得开
那种东西 是在异常的状況才有的快乐
スイッチが入って きっちゃったんだろう
スイッチ‘‘‘?そんなもの‘‘‘ ああ‘‘‘でも全然‘‘‘全然チガウ‘‘‘
开关 那种东西 啊啊 但是不对 不是那样的
フロで体あっためながら 焦らしたしね‘‘‘
在泡藻的是和 一边暖和身体 一边焦急起来了吧
因此 我确信现在不戴直接干比较好
害怕了吧 要是又像当初那个时候一样迷乱的话
それだ、ユウくんと触りあうときも 結構‘‘気分次第で‘‘‘
对了 和优君一起爱抚的时候 也总是看自己的心情办事
いや‘‘‘ そんなのどうでも‘‘‘ 約束が‘‘‘だから 帰るだけ‘‘‘で‘‘‘
不 那样的东西随它去了 因为有约定 所以 至少回家这件事````所以```
不行 无法像平时工作那样戴着假面说话
(continue same page)

あの夜 飲ませたのは 心とか身体の準備とか すっ飛ばして スイッチだけ入れちゃう ヤツなんだよね
那一晚 喝酒的只是一群 身心的准备什么的 都抛在一边的 只是被打开了开关的家伙吧
酒もけっこー入ってたのもあるけどさ 別にクスリのせいで気持ちよくなったとかじゃないんだよね
虽然说酒也是喝了很多进去啦 说不定并不是药的问题而导致的特别爽哦
なあ 試してみようぜ 損はさせないって
我说 试试看吧 不会让你后悔的
イヤ ‘‘‘帰るわ
不要 我要回去了
このままだと 一生モヤモヤするでしょ 一回スッキリしてからが良いって
如果就这样的话 一辈子心里都会有疙瘩的吧 开一次开关很爽的啦
So... the guy/girl responsible for this just went to sleep before the part where Kyouka accepts raw dicking.
I'll share as soon as anything more appears
>greatest love story ever told
>can't even get a decent scan after how many days
>have to rely on shitty cameras

get your shit together faggots.
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I forgot. Afterwords

读到的各位 买了这本的各位 太感谢了

终于把本篇的部分完成了 也送货到场了``````了吧?(看来本人没到场)
本想让内容表现得更激烈性一些 但是`````````
作为后记的形式一连出了3回总感觉有点微妙 所以勉强以这种形式先出货了

为什么 到底怎么会明明只有10叶的后继却膨胀到如此的程度 确实是个疑问 但是
一想到一个场景 心里就完全是 就总是想画这个又想画那个的欲望的说
轶事的调度和兴趣的关系 角色的戏份并不平均
对于没有投其所好的各位 真是对不起了
特别是 这次的的标题也感觉很随便呢~~~~~自省中

总之 到此为止橘家的故事算是完结了
最想画的部分 在本篇中已经完结了 说不定剧情好像有点绕了远路的样子
话说回来 虽然我很反省执笔缓慢地程度但是对自己乱来的行为并不太后悔
本想计划性地效率良好地进行作画 但是我好像并不想改变我想画的时候画自己想画的东西的方针

关于下一次 老实说因为暂且还有复数的案子在继续同时作业

要在今年冬季活动的时候 整理出本子来 感觉有点困难的样子
由于FATE那一边的下一话也有相当厚的主题和内容 调整起来真是非常````````

这样的话 可能我会准备让大家能爽快(清爽)阅读的东西也说不定

虽然是 计划性地把希望和方向轻飘飘地在展望了一下 但是``````````


这些就是 JIN的后记
I do not think we'll have to wait too long for a proper translation this time. I'm more concerned for get proper good quality scans...
so here one more release to another year and to launch ... (and has C87) will be fate?
As far as I know Jin considers Tachibana finished.
He has already some Fate pages done for c87.

Anything from then onwards it's on the air.

There is always the chance he finds inspiration for extra chapters/second volume, but not anytime soon. (c88 or c89)
could well be the end of tachibana or the end of the first book that if he makes a sequel with a new book, because it has already been delivered late, since we know that the Musketeers are arrested, but that leaves me in doubt whether it would be ...

There are indications of a passage of time, the kid seems more grown up when he received the DVD, even when he overhears the conversation, he seems a little high, signaling that there was no man of their pregnancy in the gaiden.

they took the phones so if the girls do a new book could be with them individually or in orgy with new fetishes.

even if Kyouka was with the detective, could take time for join tests, then meetings with curly guy or the cronies would be something to explore.

and the point being that one, because different open end of a foreclosure even, and that can have as many books want the same end and hard way to be changed. and will never be a really final.so being something to imaginaçao.enfim I would say "good move."
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本当は押しのけて帰ってしまっても‘‘‘ 大丈夫だったかもしれない
事实上如果推开他直接回家的话 说不定也不是不可以
看不到 但是一想到一旦我不做他的对手 万一他又开始跑去纠缠女儿的话``````
但是 我也清楚的知道那也不能完全做为我要留在这个场合下的理由
そもそも、時間をオーバー しそうになったときに電話で連絡したのは‘‘‘何故だったか‘‘‘
我又是为什么 在先前时间明明将尽时 去给家里打那个电话呢
フロ場でずっと愛撫され‘‘‘ でもいきそうになるたびに止められて‘‘‘
在浴室里一直被爱抚着 但是每次将要高潮的时候都被停了下来
部屋に戻ったとき 時間に気づいた私は‘‘‘ 迷ってしまった
回到房间里的时候 注意到时间的我 不禁茫然失措
そんな私の様子を 見透かした男の延長要求を拒めなかった‘‘‘
难道就像这个男人所说的那样 我怯懦了
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一回だけだから そんなカタくなんないでよ ついでにキョーカさんが特別感じるところ教えてやるよ ココ‘‘‘
只是一回嘛 不要那么死板啦 顺便让我来教京香你特别有感觉的的地方哦 这里`````
那个时候(应该指上一次)搞得太过了 应该没有什么实感觉的说
ちゃんと相手が 悦ぶように俺も考えてっからね
そう‘‘‘あの夜の記憶は 途切れ途切れだけど‘‘‘
是的 那夜的记忆 虽然总是时断时继
今は‘‘‘ちゃんと全部 分かる‘‘‘ きっと終っても覚えてる‘‘‘
现在的化 真是全部都好好地记起来了 想必即使结束了 也会清楚地记得`````
连提带套这样的要求都让人感觉更加羞耻 结果没说出口
覚悟を決めて‘‘‘ 一度だけ‘‘‘それで終わり 最後なのだから‘‘‘
死心了(或者说下了决心)只是这一次 然后就完结了 因为这是最后一次了
よっと これが根元までね 前はここがスッゲ ヨかっただろうーけど さっきヤった時は 苦しかったんじゃない?
哟to 这就插到底了哦 先前做到这里的话真是爽毙了吧 但是方才做的时候感觉有点难受吧
そこからちょっと引いたココ まそれでもけっこー深いから 長めじゃないと届かないけど
从这里开始稍微抽回一点 这里! 嘛 虽然回抽一点 那也是相当地深啊 要是不够长的话可是够不到的说
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その瞬間 下半身が なくなったかと思う くらいの襲撃を感じた‘‘‘
那个瞬间 下半身犹如消失了一般的冲击感``````````
刹那间 虽然想要尽力忍耐
すっげビクビクしてるね でも容赦する気ねーから
真是不得了的抽搐呢 但是我可没打算饶了你哦
私の腰は その1こすりだけで痙攣し‘‘‘ もう言うことを聞いてくれなかった
我的腰只被那一次的刮擦就痉挛了 已经完全不听我在说什么了
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キツイ? まあイチバン良いところは自分じゃ弄れないからねー
强烈吧 嘛 最舒服的地方单凭自己的话是玩弄不到的呢
こーなっちゃうと もうカラダ全部でしょ
如果这样的话 就已经蔓延到全身了吧
ー信じられない こんなにアッサリ‘‘‘ あの日と同じものが
真实难以置信 如此地舒爽 难道和那天是一个感觉吗
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男人如果高潮了的话就结束了 女人的话就变成这个样子了呢

被抚摸的地方全部都很舒服 和讨厌的男人的接吻也让人这样阵阵发抖
被插入部分的感觉已经不是很明了了 只是 只是 让人无发忍受的热度 对了 那晚也是这样的

明明自己自身也很清楚 变成那样的话就完蛋了

心里 最初开始就被这个男的玩弄由手掌之上
那样的做爱 想要逃脱的空隙都```````
不 难以下意识地去感受 只能单纯地意识到自己正在做而已

我说 到那天为止的经验只有2个人 你在说慌吧

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恩 但是 总有碰到气氛不错的时候对吧




真真做过的人只有2个 但是 差点就做了的经验 有那么 几回

我就说--- 是怎样的
啊 射了射了

和缠人的男人打交道被灌得很厉害 起来的时候已经在旅馆的房间里


所以那个时候马上拿起包包抡过去 然后飞快逃进浴室里打电话 然后就结束了哦
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啊 再把衬衫穿起来吧 话说回来 是怎样的男的?

50岁左右 肥胖的感觉


应该是吧 真是非常地恶心呢
啊啊 要去了 去了



要是像我现在这样的话 说不定会让你爽上天哦

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再抬起来一点 里面深处被顶到了``````

和年轻的人 完成了一项大工作的时候的事
全部完成了之后 然后 按例喝了一些酒 炒热了一下气氛
就在那个时候被告白了 本打算像往常一样应付过去的说

嘛 也就是说口嫌体直喽


然后呢 和那家伙进行到哪一步了?
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但是 一到了要做的时候 果然我还是 无法接受他

诶````太有头无尾了吧 看到这样的身体 摸着 然后不能做简直是地狱嘛

因此那个时候 我就用手给他做 不管怎么说总算是让他死心了

啊啊 你居然有那种经验啊

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西-- 要射了要射了鸡吧要射了


啊 外 射在外面

不行不行 要是不射在嘴里的话
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喂 像这----样子 干得这么浅的话是无法自己调节的吧

我说 选你喜欢的体位也可以哦

强行紧紧地贴着腰部 在最深处 射个痛快才是你想要的吧

都已经不知道被射了多少回 身心都疲惫到了极点

听到想要做那些愚蠢的事情什么的 总算找回了愤怒感

难道这是本性 不是那一天的原因吗 或者说 都已经那样了 所以````

但是 即使那样 即使没有意义
至少不想让他认为 我被攻陷了什么的
到 全部结束为止 让这个男人的注意力只集中到我一个人身上

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什```么````! (也就是说这里黑皮浅浅地干要橘妈自己把屁股顶上去 但是橘妈居然移开了


HO? 这是因为你勉强在腰上用力过度了啦
嘛 事到如今就不用在意我们两之间的关系了啦 痛痛快快地放尿出来吧
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我说 就这样慢慢地睡一下不好吗

不行哦 明天不是休息日




如你所愿 虽然下周不可以 如果你配合我的时间安排的话

那么 你也不用太挂虑啦 我是不会暴露给你的老公或者是男朋友什么的知道的


结果就变成这样了呢 但是姑且是得到了他的许诺
接下来 就是等到事件解决为止了

话说回来 你说我好像花心了一样 你那到底是什么意思

恩? 啊啊 最初你拒绝的样子好像并不是那种 我对不起老公的那种感觉
而是很有一种 我已经有喜欢的人了 的感觉的说



可能稍微要走点路 你就给我在这里下车吧



`````要是没人看到 就变成这-----样子了吧?

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Confirmed changes and decensor in old chapter
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chinese doto best doto
Well, this is a lot better...
now im gonna get desperate for a release of the whole thing just to see the old chapters uncensored.... great... all my life im going to be kep waiting or expecting something from Jin
Oh, that's better I guess.

Didn't the first chapters even have mosaic?
What's happened with that?
despite being happy with the launch and hard to think that Tachibana has come to an end, and so if you have another launch next year, if he would be good if with each separate daughters this time, the type Koharu meeting with one of three musketeers on an amusement park, having sex in Ferris wheel ... having sex in public, the Yuika wearing a leotard sadomaso, type would be funny until dripping candle back or a whip on the ass, or using those dog ears .. ..kkk
I'm all for the Koharu scenario but I'm not a major fan of dripping candles (Yuika) :P If I remember correctly she still has her anal virginity in tact so we could be seeing that if he ever decides to revisit her I guess
Everyone has been talking about this since its announcement, why the fuck is it so god damn difficult to get a proper raws scan of this shit? You telling me that every single fucker who bought this at c86 can't afford a scanner?
maybe damaging a 150$ book for a scan, wouldn't be simple for everyone...
but that Kyouka has a way to style it sadomaso she has ....
Tachibana-san? It's probably not the price. It's like $20 which is a lot for a doujinshi, but not considering it's size.
I have seen uploads of doujinshi that at the time of the upload would have fetched lunatic prices.
The biggest problem are event-only low-profile releases. Hell, even mid-profile is already a problem.

Well, to be honest, I sit on a small stack of unscanned stuff as well, but that's because I don't have a good scanner [spoiler]and usually only one copy each[/spoiler].
no proper raws yet?
and my impression or Yaribeya-hen's panties Kyouka and the boy is the last of a different color that was released?
seen in other forums about a scene in the car, I wonder if it would be rumors or be the sign that Tachibana has not yet come to an end ....
Dude you're just gonna drag a dead horse, this release is basically the Other M of Tachibana series.

It has grown really stale, Jin introduced hentai logic based universe earlier and then suddenly shifted the narrative to real life rape guilt drama. The art while good is very choppy - it's just a concept art rushed together (as opposed to the great very drawn out scenes in #2)

You could already see the weariness in Yaribeya, where the first 2/3 is classic Jin style detailed NTR and then suddenly they're jumping from position to position without any build ups.

The japs are broken hearted and disappointed, people here considering the 3-4 days 24/7 thread over at /a/ sure are disappointed. Jin personally doesn't even want to do it. People should stop bugging him and let him do Sakiko sequel or FATE series
to be honest I would not expect a sequel or even one gaiden since the second part had been launched from a novel for Netorare .... for me it was as much a surprise to have a sequence as believing that she has come to order but only time will tell if and truth ....
Certainly ended on a low note after all the magnificence of the first 2 chapters, but you could also take it as a way to leave the door open for some epilogues or second volume.

Heard that thing about Jin being tired or sick of Tachibana but his blog never had anything close to that, so it's just fan speculation.
2ch has several Jin threads and lot of guys disappointed as well, so we can always hope he listen to the public.
to tell the truth, the story of Tachibana had even been those two parts, and one end that everyone already knows, maybe jin not expect so much repercussion of their work and looking to please fans who thought the story is incomplete, created gaidens, stories in the gaidens can both help as hinder the story

>where the first 2/3 is classic Jin style detailed NTR and then suddenly they're jumping from position to position without any build ups.

Dude there is escalation and there is scene variation. The mood in the room was already very intense, the girls were receptive to everything, they didn't give a fuck at this point. Think montage from captain america, where the team is just shown taking down various baddies, it's the same thing.

As for the ending, Jin is a fun of ambiguos endings, and while people bitch about the way tachibana ended, it's the ending that made this work popular in the first place, and people wanting some hardcore NTR shit can find it in the works of numerous writers. Tachibana is and was perfect the way it is.
>Tachibana is and was perfect the way it is.
Hundreds of comments on english/chinese/japanese beg to differ specially with the ending.

Popular as fuck, in the other hand, there is no denying that.

In any case, c88 will be tohsaka, so we can only hope for english translation and.... eventually (2016) something more.
No the problem is Jin is lazy as fuck. If he wasn't spending a majority of his time playing games he'd turn this into an epic series of tanks and some major coin.
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tachibana this perfect just the way that I see it as a Netorare then does not mean that will have a happy ending though it may have in the future ...
although gaidens, the story begins and ends, and may be extended, even if they serve to explain certain parts ..
followed by that of jin he always uses the open final interpretation ...
taste of the times we began to see doujinshi mostly famous series, because after all I think they put things that do not exist or can not be transmitted by characters from the original series ...
I don't care whether Jin continues Tachibana I just want more of his god-like big tits.
even this is better than the finals
Fuck, why is he so lazy?

I would kill if he did regular chapters of whatever story he would like that come out monthy.
What was this supposed to be? They fug again in the car?

No I don't think the problem is Jin being lazy. He literally doesn't know how to end the series. He had so many ideas for depraved sex scenes, but he still want to keep the NTR tone grounded unlike full blown generic ahegao NTR. This turns Kyouka into a bipolar and badly written character at the end. JIn also cornered himself by writing the ending on the second part and have the guys being arrested - leaving little to no room for more stories.

Regardless of that, I'm glad the series is over, my balls and my heart were just to drained by it.
>people wanting some hardcore NTR

That's not the issue. The issue is logical inconsistencies. Part #2 is purely hentai logic based, the negotiations are dumb as fuck although they're pretty hot. These girls are clearly not thinking in the same plane of logic compared to real life logic. That's good and all, it could've ended the way it ended and it would be fine.

However with the new part, Jin injected real life logic RIGHT AT THE END when Kyouka pulled out. The page before that, she was getting destroyed as usual, moaning and drooling all over the place. That's feels like the same asspull as Naruto tier broken genjutsu asspull. There's no build up, no nothing, no indication whatsoever.

I don't mind the ending that Kyouka betrayed curly, but all I'm saying is that the betrayal wasn't done very well and feels like an incredibly bad asspull with no build ups

>with the daughters helping, this would have been the prefect ride. Imagine:

>one drugs her rapist in middle of sex until the cop arrives
>one enjoys so much the cops have to 'separate ' them
>one blackmails her rapist with handing out the dvd copies so he can bail prison

Jin could have followed arrest plot with hentai logic damn it!
Or if he want to follow it with real life logic of Kyouka betraying curly, then no more sex. If she's determined to turn him in since the beginning, then there's literally no reason for her to fuck curly anymore. It just reeks inconsistencies all over the place, and fuck my life for getting way to invested in stupid chinese cartoon porn series
She was afraid of him paying a visit.

It all goes to the kind of tone Jin tries to push, which feels inconsistent with the usual netorare and make it hard to enjoy against older chapters as well.

Looks like he tried too hard to be unpredictable, maybe?
There's still no reason for her to meet him in love hotel and got banged. She could easily come with her police friend and arrest curly right there on the spot.

Admit it, it's hentai logic writing. This jumping back and forth between hentai logic and more realistic real life logic is what makes the last part so disappointing
So you think he did it just for shock value?

I would like to think he's saving the daughters story for another time. Maybe stuff supposed to happen just in the very next days but that will completely change the ending perspective we have so far.
No it's more like he did it because he doesn't know how to end the series.

Yaribeya happened because he had bunch of leftover work done, but then due to his laziness he didn't have enough time to polish it up and hence as >>3795863 said, the last part was very rushed. The exact same thing happened with this one, he had some arts saved up, but were procrastinating and too lazy so the ending was incredibly rushed.

When I say rushed, I mean you can tell they were jumping from scenes to scenes and position to position without any build ups. One thing I noted is in the earlier scene of Yaribeya the dude made Kyouka drank his piss because he was upset that she didn't wash her mouth after sucking another dude. That was really good attention to detail

At the end, the dudebros are openly frenching Yuika after she rimmed other dude's butt. That feels inconsistent and rushed. Similarly, based on the cam pics of this one, at the end there's just bunch of montages of Kyouka getting rektd by curly. Zettai ryouki on zettai ryouki off. Blouse shirt on, blouse shirt off. Towel on, towel off. It's just montages of artwork without buildups. It comes to no surprise that Kyouka's betrayal at the end also come up as an asspull. Jin simply released a half baked product, unlike #1 and #2.

I'm neither NTRfag nor Vanillafag. All I'm saying is the NTR turn in part 2 feels somewhat believable due to dragged out scenes, teasing, drugs and alcohol while the latest twist was incredibly rushed, no buildups whatsoever. Just an asspull for the sake of a twist
I agree with you about the rushed ending and everything, but as said before gaidens so to complement the story even has two shares would be and how successfully did gaidens were made, sometimes authors can make a success of work but not something that can surpasses his previous work, perhaps this is the reason of frustration of those who saw her last gaiden ....
Does anyone know when the full scan is comming out?
>finally shipped from the proxy

Now all I have to do is wait for SAL.
>The issue is logical inconsistencies. Part #2 is purely hentai logic based, the negotiations are dumb as fuck although they're pretty hot. These girls are clearly not thinking in the same plane of logic compared to real life logic. That's good and all, it could've ended the way it ended and it would be fine.

They were drugged. The drug effect ceased when they entered the house of the guys.
how long i have to wait for a full scan in english?
I never got how the little shit could perform baby-making sex with the 3 if he fucking knock himself out after cumming only one time.

Plan was instant fail from the start

People often forgot the initial premise of the hot spring trip was so that the mom with the two daughters can get knocked up by the shota. That is one the single most retarted hentai logic based premise there is. As >>3796452 said - the girls are not thinking in the same plane of logic as real life. The dragged out NTR scenes are godly, some might say "realistic" because of magic drug, alcohol, and the natural seductive progression yes, but if you think about it for half a second with your brain instead of your dick it is still full of hentai logic - which is fairly consistent with the established narrative of the story.

The latest part though, is purely real life rape drama, with all the police, abortion, and milf betraying the NTR bro. It is asspull out from literally the last page of the sex scene out of nowhere, no tell, no red herring, no chekov's gun, just asspull that betrays the established logic in the universe - I think that is why both NTRfag and Vanillafags are disappointed
I think we need to be careful about inserting logic into a hentai. That leads to all sorts of bad places.
Jin is the one who did that in the latest installment for the sake of muh tweest and Other M'd the series, not me
I know it like the work of jin because he scenes work well and not only stay focused on sex pure type groping breasts, deep kisses, quick changes of scene type becomes more dynamic and efficient their stories, of course having the feeling drugs, fertile days, the girls not care for anything else gave great prominence to tachibana

>bipolar and badly written character at the end.

Do you even know what bipolar means ? As far Kyoka's character, I don't think there is anything wrong with in. People are full of contradicting desires and do contradicting actions. In Kyoka's case it means that while she decided herself that she wants to be with the shota and "is not like that", while being influenced by curly guy who is pretty much sex god incarnate she loses herself in the moment and gets consumed by her desires.

And even with that as a final triumph of will over body when she was presented with a decision of being cummed inside or outside she chose outside which shows that she is still very much "herself" even if she likes sex.
>There's still no reason for her to meet him in love hotel and got banged. She could easily come with her police friend and arrest curly right there on the spot.

Nah her police friend needed some time to gather the evidence against the guys, and if she didn't show up her daugters would have been targeted which is the thing she wants to avoid.
There is no way in hell this is an acceptable ending with everything in the air like that.
I mean absotulety nothing and nobody reaches a conclusion ('good' or 'bad'), which was fine with a work in progress 2 years ago but it's just stupid now.

Only reason I can think a sane writter would had, it's leaving a door open for more in the future.
you realize she got creampied several times before that page, right?

except she herself accept the daughters thing it's just an excuse right before begin the raw sex

>bipolar and badly written
sounds spot on or >>3802471 might be the answer too
I don't know if you people realized it but I posted some pictures of this chapter in english (I borrowed the chinese cam scans). When I first posted the gallery it was a work in progress but I'm happy to announce that I'm finally done! Unfortunately though, I won't be posting it online for another 12-24 hours because I want the completed version to the people that have helped me to make this possible. So check sadpanda maybe in 2 days if you even care about this anymore.
PS the translations aren't 100% accurate since I used my watching anime skills (so understanding by ear)

-from the person who brought you the english version of chapter 3 first
thanks bro
so xanagu is going to upload it on sadpanda for me. it should be out soon so please keep an eye out for it if you still care! PS as the comments will say in the gallery, pages 30-34 were translated using broken chinese so take those translation with a grain of salt :D
Thanks for your time

happening finally
We'll I'll eat my words, it seemed like from the latest translation she indeed get fucked again in the car offscreen (for now)

Maybe the series isn't really over yet, but I wish Jin just gave the ending already. It has dragged out long enough
If this wasn't Jin, I'd think this could go either way.
truth to tell a story that already has a defined end can have many "gaidens", last year another chapter to the end will be the same, which indicates that we will have more in the next tachibana comikets to be done ...
I dont see why everyones mad at this ending. This isnt the final chapter right? Its just gonna be her plan failing or unable to go back to shota and going back with big dick willy.
And the 2 sisters are still gigantic sluts
its a happy ending right guys
guys please ;_;
The sisters are too far gone

The mothers plan will fail or she will intentionally fuck it up to stay with the guy
The series is over, fuckers go to jail and milf with daughters stays with shota.
lmao, as if anyone could believe any of the Tachibanas it's interested in having sex with the boy ever again.
It's a life full of pent-up frustration from now on, SPEACIALLY the mother who realized this harder than any other.
Truly a sad end.
>as if anyone could believe any of the Tachibanas it's interested in having sex with the boy ever again.
You overthinking it, shota is still a kid and there pretty much chances that his D becomes longer.

>SPEACIALLY the mother who realized this harder than any other
She said that curly's feels somehow better, not much more better, just lil' bit. So, there are still chases for shota and no chances for curly. Curly with his rapist friend would trade their asses behind da bar.
i think the 1st series is over, there's gonna be another series, this ending still ambiguous
That's translator mistake, x0run tried his best tho.
The mother definitely hasn't reached a good end if you didn't noticed, but that's whats happens for staying dishonest with herself to the end.
If Jin planned to make her the main character for last chapter, at least some inner monologue was expected to close the story, instead she stays moping in the shower.
i know its probably a bad end considering its Jin, but I like his art and NTR turns me off so much
still wish him the best though, I hope he'll throw us vanilla fags a bone(r)
Anyone wanting anyone here to "win" is just delusional.

Curly ends up in jail. Kyouka is already super salty and angry at him for not respecting her decision and forced himself to cum inside her, not to mention the additional offscreen rape in the car. Her body is broken but her mind is not, she stayed super salty throughout the fucking and even managed to muster enough will to pull out - which is huge in hentai logic

Kyouka however, will stay forever unable to be satisfied by shota. She said this herself, something along the line of can't go back to regular sex. She lost all sense of self worth already and incredibly frustrated by it after being forced to orgasm multiple times by curly. Because of her circumstances with curly, she has no option and she had to betray him to the police, but any self hating girl with no sense of self worth like her will just whore herself out to other man when given the chance. Also bad ending for her.

And shota will never be able to satisfy her, not to mention that honestly they don't have any future together anyway. He'll move on, and depending on whether he got the DVD or not he might or might not get a massive heartbreak. But he'll move on and still had decent future ahead, unlike Kyouka or curly

Everyone loses here.
I dont think you understand what gaidens mean. It means kind of off story that might not be canon, similar to what if comics.

There is no what ifs here, everything you see is canon and plot related
Both "main characters" end up "imprisoned" in different ways by the end.
The 2 girls and boy end up free-ish and with better prospect for the future because of simple-mindedness or pure ignorance.
a very difficult Netorare have a happy ending, others already released previously already are the signal that, if jin continue this series and make a happy ending, after all he has left clues, he would be making a revolution, because I do not I believe that there really winners in a series of ntr ...
an example would be the series circle outerworld after several years in which the bell had a moment of sex with shota at the end and finish the series with keiichi ....
It's amazing how all the plotholes and bitterness quickly translate to genius writing if you take this in your head as the first of two volumes.... but who could ever know such things other than the author himself =S
Yeah I think the ending is okay as it is. It has started to come downhill because let's be honest the sex scenes in the new part weren't that great, and I think it would benefit the narrative to have a page or two about Kyouka's exposition but I think this is a good place to stop.

Any more effort to expand the story will just end up making it shittier
But it's already a mess and a no-end in all fronts as it is.

I would like to think we'll see eventually something more, but since the author might be tired of it, it's better if he takes all the necessary time and draws other stuff (fate, some one-shot, etc) in the middle
wrong, dude, let me explain

This is precisely the meaning of shower scene.

Don't know about the translation online but when she decides in her mind, against all of her body & heart are telling her, that this is the last time, Kyouka reflects how back at home she would never be able to get this pleasure and fulfillment, so she resigns to seek the pleasure from herself from now on.

Her body is so hooked up to sex now, she starts masturbating as soon as getting in the shower trying to recreate the moment and failing miserably, hence that last face of regret.
This is her silent conclusion, you just need to get the author message right.

Devastating for the ones that expected vanilla end, and subtle for the ntrfans (or really strong, depending of what you expected).
You overthinking it, if Jin want milf go full slut he he just wrote it. Also videotape, if Jin want to break Kyouko and make her crawling for big cocks whore he would just let the shota watch this tape. Like he does in Sakiko-san. But he didn't!
So, any thoughts about Kyouko's future cockhunger is just meaningless speculation.
Actually, tried to simplify the end for the ones with doubts as best as I could. Not following translation here, can read japanase good enough by myself.

Author didn't went full traditional ntr route? his choice, same for him not playing with the dvd.

Quoted the other guys since they got the 'dishonest' point alright. Somehow what I did looked like bias it's because reading this puts me in the right 'cheating' mood.

Long time future only author knows, but immediate future has no need to speculate. Once an ?official? version sees the light you will get the meaning I wrote,
Gotta agree with you, Jin may be a good writer, but I hardly believe he would go that far into psychological stuff.
Her 'masturbating' in the shower could very well be her simply cleaning herself while the regretful look was due to her betraying the kid again and feeling good "Only thinking about how to become happy". She hardly likes Curly and that's very apparent so I really don't think that's who she's referring to.
Regarding the future I highly doubt the daughters will show up again. He could potentially show the car scene and explain why the underwear she's wearing doesn't match the one from the shower and maybe finally show the dudes getting arrested or something just to end this once and for all.
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Why can't it be both? One thing we know for sure is that she HATES, HATES herself now with a burning passion.

- She hates herself (or her body) for enjoying the rape. This is true whether or not she regretted turning on curly.

- She hates herself for cheating on the shota

- She hates herself for her failure as a mother to protect her daughters. They all knocked up and she knew the porn tape would exist for eternity. That alone is devastating for any parent, let alone she let that happen and were sucking dicks, moaning and drooling next to her daughter.

There's no happy ending for her. She got rekt both physically and mentally from this ordeal. This is what happened when you juxtapose a hentai logic rape scene on real life rape guilt and consequences. Bretty gud series, although I agree with everyone that the last part is underwhelming. Jin if given more time could've made one of the best hatefuck scene there is. Nothing is hotter than a woman who hates herself and doesn't have any sense of self worth hatefucking a random guy.
i think this is one of those cases where the Author writes ¨The curtains were blue¨, and people start saying
1.-The colour of the curtains matched the colour of his tears of his soul
2.-The curtains wore that coulour because of the rain that poured outside of the window

when in reality what the author was saying is.... that the curtains were fucking blue!

maybe everyone is just reading too much into the subject, for starters, unless we get a clean, proper translation from QBTranslations (hopefully soon) we should lessen down on the assumptions.
No the problem is there is no curtain here, or the blue curtain is shown in a pitch dark room with shoddy lighting.
Everyone is fanwanking about what Kyouka feels, and there is no indication from Jin whatsoever. A good translation wouldnt help because there is no monologue from Kyouka nor any conversation

Arguing here is also kind of mental therapy, like alcohol anonymous for many anons.
Jin style is subtle and DARK even if not traditional, that's just how he swings.
>>3804510 got it rigth and fits with older work (sakiko) mental and physical status by the end.

>she starts masturbating as soon as getting in the shower

So let me get this sraight : after about half a day of getting fucked by the curly (and btw shower scene takes place the same day she fucked curly) the first thing she does when she returns home is masturbating ? And after trying out for a minute or two she reaches a reasonable conclusion that it's not the same as half an hour of petting followed by six hours of dicking ?

Dude this scene was included in part 3, and while we knew at that point that Kyoka will fuck curly we didn't have any idea how that scene will go. The only thing we can deduce is that she is having some conflicting emotions.


>One thing we know for sure is that she HATES, HATES herself now with a burning passion.

Again, she definetly resents herself somewhat, but there is no evedidence for what you stated. You know that it is very easy to show this kind of strong emotions in a work, and if author chose not to do that then please don't say that it is something we "know for sure".
She hating herself sounds an exaggeration from that guy, the other stuff >>3804510 it's how it is up to the last page.

The shower scene had a hazy interpretation back on the apartment chapter, but it became clear in her own actions and words once you read this chapter.

Of course, the author claims in last page that 10 or more pages were excluded from a bonus chapter because of time constraints. That might give a different meaning to some stuff, otherwise it's done.
would be funny if jin qdo launch destination puts 10 bonus pages kkk and seeing the finished work notes that the panties Kyouka and different signaling another meeting with curly ... or the 3 musketeers ... would be cool to see a foursome .. .
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W-what's this? Fanart or unreleased concept art?
Even with such nice quality, it's obviously fanart.
In the other hand, looks like a work in progress.... so cross fingers for more
NTR fans must of wanted that NTR ending extremely bad if they are taking this anon's opinion as gospel. There's nothing to back up these claims as no dialogue or proper context was given for that scene, so most of it is just hard reaching.

It's really like two guys viewing an abstract painting, guy A claims to see a cat, and pronounces wrong any viewer that does not see the cat as well while going all meta trying to explain the existence of the cat within the picture.

Hell, that scene could of been just her finishing cleaning herself out and pissed that she actually let that guy dominate/manipulate her and physically enjoyed it once again, even if it was part of her plan to get him arrested. But then, again, that's just one of many opinions of what that scene could mean.
It's not THAT hard to read. End it's ntr/cheating because it's written by a ntr/cheating artist.

You might also say it's a category on it's own, something like a ntr-Jin ending, because Jin tries to make 'original' endings on his works.

For example, what can you say about the sakiko ending? it's good or bad? the teacher still using sakiko? he already dumped her? is she 'mind-broken' or just 'trapped'? the son dies of heart attack?

See? Jin likes to end his works full of questions but they are definitely not 'good' in any common way, that's just him.
You could say the sakliko/tachibana endings are full of betrayal and remorse, while the tohsaka story remains more playful tones so far and should have a lighter ending as well.
where did you find this? or did you make it?
When did this happen
Supossedly, some week after last chapter. It's an ending with a fuckton of questions and little to none answers.
So if were to believe the original all the girls got pregnant right and they are talking about having the babies.
this was horrible
Well.. that's not confirmed, even less the abortions. They only talked about being late, it could be just the stress or anxiety.

Then they said "it was only one time" but the mother got a lot of dicking, maybe the daughters were having sex somewhere else too, who knows?

It was really underwhelming not going further into that subject. only the mother would be more probable to be, since she got creampied a lot in latest events.
The last Page is so confusing the Page with the Shop Owner and Shota.Why in gods name did he go to this place again ? He has 3 beautiful girls at home he can fuck all day long why is he threre again ? Not sure what the author was trying to tell us with this but probably nothing good.
he was playing with our feelings, because the shop owner mentions that the last video was the best which was the one featuring the Tachibanas, so it kind of pointed to the shota finding the video and finding out the hard way
In case you didn't noticed, none of the girls will show sexual interest in the boy again.
He goes to the store bcause he's an idiot and chose to not try have sex with them again (complete imbecile i know)
I do not know a great vacuum has to be filled if we take the gaidens we see them avoiding relationships because they believe they have gotten pregnant ... or as some say lost interest ..
if we add that with the fact that we master jin has no plans to continue this series (hopefully not be true ...)
but finally, with the complete book see Kyouka having more meetings and not just a so ...
has passage of time ....
they do not become pregnant in the first relationship ... then had other ... so I hope ...
and the boy seems more grown up when it was in the video store that was missing for the fans would be something like this ... what would be the reaction of the kid to see the DVD ????
Will it continue with them?
the guys were really stuck?
Finally many questions I hope the master jin up a new book if possible putting up a detective involved with the guys to finally put them behind bars ..
if not perhaps appear a series of future anime hentai doujinshi or more of this beautiful milf that and our dear tachibana ...
That just fucking stupid kyoka even said she will become the woman he dreams of even if she is not satisfied he still gonna be i think.
I think the Author ruined this whole Manga with this Page alone that's why he doesn't have a fucking clue how he should end it that's why he hates it so much.
That's amateur translation if you didn't read the title.

What she actually does 4 times in the whole fucking is compare against it and realize she could never get this pleasure back at home.
So the Girls didn't let him fuck them anymore and that's why he go to the Shop again ?
This is really hard to belive after the last Chapter Kyouka send the dudes in the Prison for a reason and that was the Boy.
Come on, read by yourself bro. Dont ask for spoonfeed on ntr of all things
is there any update on that series? I've been waiting since the last chapter I read was about how the guy planning on saber and rin to fuck other guys that he choose.
From what i can tell, Kyoka, ahhh she's definitely pregnant. http://exhentai.org/g/741368/6c03127d1f/?p=1
I guess so, but we'll never know for sure with just this.
I beg you pardon, where the heck is that? That link isn't from a page.

Ohhh hi, you must be new here, welcome, that link actually does work but you need to either find the cheat to access it or just download the plug in
I can access to exhentai. What I meant is that the link isn't from a page of the doujin butjust the link of the doujin itself.
i mean if you look at all the sex scene you can tell that kyoka's pregnant
The pregnancy issue it's, sadly, kind of forgotten on last chapter.

Artist was probably trying to wrap things up very quickly without second thought.
Or maybe... just maybe... he's saving plot points for more chapters in the future, which would be god-like if it ever happened.
So what are the best translations of the other parts so far?
Da hell? I was in need for the getting more of the daughters instead of the old hag, damn it.

What's supposed to be Yuika & Koharu mental status/resolution according to what we have so far?
So when are we going to get a final translated version of this?

There was that scene where the 3 girls were talking inside the house about not fucking the boy anymore.

The conversation was hinting that they got pregnant and Kyoka knew a place where they could take care of it, or make sure or something.
Some vanillafags also repeated for years that the tachibanas were not fucking the boy to make sure they won't kill the "wrong" babies, which it's clearly not true.

The sex ban gets lifted BEFORE the boy listen the conversation about being late, so there is no way the reason for not let him is a 'good' one.
If that was the case, the kid wouldn't be allowed to touch them for weeks after that conversation.
He says the sex ban was lifted but they would only kiss/bj him. There is no indication that the boy actually got back to fucking them. Also on Yaribeya he says he's trying to control himself. "..even without sex, I will still love them."
Of course we know why the girls don't want to fuck him, he has a child penis and it's useless in bed.

But what in seven hells could be his reason to don't try, even before they reject him?
iirc he thinks that they're mad at him for passing out at the beach and I'm not sure whether or not he ever was the one initiating sex. So yeah, guess he was thinking ''I'm gonna prove them that I don't need sex to like them''. Pretty stupid if you ask me...
So he just became officially their brother/stepson. Oh gosh...
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12 damn months waiting for this and the fucker couldn't deliver
a brother/son that gets blowjobs
Read it again, he got some blowjob & kiss while the ban sex.
At the end, he became eunuch and didn't even got those.
Fucking true
fucking right.

the first chapters were still bretty good, but it lost the GOAT NTR award to Carn's NNN because of this lame ending.
Amen brother. We needed this chapter to realize Tachibana works only with the 3 girls at the same time, nothing less.
Only one girl, whoever it is, ends in a clusterfuck, even worse if Jin decides to force an out-of-character ending.

I rather have the goat spot empty that give it to carn, his women are chubby and the males are fugly.
I mean it could have gone with arrest ending, but for fuck sake, make it fun to read and DON'T RECYCLE THE LAST PAGE FROM 2 YEARS AGO damn it!
For some reason, I get this weird problem with sad panda. I log in, and it just redirects me to the log in screen again. It's not telling me my log0in information is invalid or anything, just sends me back to the beginning.
Do I just not know how to sad panda? Or is it because I'm on a [spoiler]mac?[/spoiler]
MC ends up ignorant and sexless
Yuika and Koharu "awaken" to their newfound sexuality
Kyoka ends in deep denial unlike her daughters.

I'm reading this right?
say a picture is worth a thousand words, well, I do not know if the shirt Kyouka would be the same in this current release, yuuka with a short clothes and with a collared and Koharu using a transparent nightgown ... do not know if it would be for be a complete and order book, or if it would be idea for a second volume .. this and if there ...
Probably just Jin improvising a cover.

The shirt and stockings are a mystery because Kyouka isn't wearing them at the beginning.
Curly might have brought them to improve the mood but who knows or cares at this point.
Well, the thing is most questions remain unanswered at the end of the last chapter(I did like the action though, but it was worse than the previous works in the story).
Considering the artist it's probably some ntr ending if he ever does some extra stuff on the subject, but since you can only make hypothesis based on what you read (thanks to the ending not confirming jack shit outside kyoka being mad at herself and curly and his friends being arrestedl) i'd say the future is pretty open, could even go for vanilla if he wanted seeing how he started the story (lol who am I kiding, I fucking wish but this is Jin we are talking about).
I guess if we ever get the answer won't be anytime soon, knowing how slow Jin is with his releases.
If it was one guy alone, at least the arrest point would be clear.
But since it's 3 guys + others I think lived in the same place + Inn personal involved, no way we can know what's about it.
And while the mother is out, the girls have not one word or pose of sexual attitude towards the boy so he's pretty much dead in that aspect.

Looks like we'll be stuck in limbo until author runs out of yens and follows up the history
and it's cuz they don'y do anything sexual with the boy much now that alot of people are speculating the sisters are meeting the two other guys still =/

Guess we'll never know
I would imagine both girls masturbate considerably more than before vacations now. Could be they sleeping on the same bed some nights so they find more ease.
Even might have tried the kid one more time at some point while the mother was working (with the obvious results, LOL).

Having said that, I don't think possible they are looking for men on the streets to fuck. Since everything happened to them exclusively under the influence of several things and not with a clear mind, unlike their mother, both girls should be lost on how to respond to hornyness now.

The last events make me think what's engraved in Kyoka's mind & body now it's the difference between sex and love. Engraved clear as day since she herself realizes this at some points on the last night.
The daughters probably feel confused or stressed when they are feeling needs of their bodies arise.

Guess we'll have to imagine things for a while since so much stuff is in the air and author looks lazy as fuck as usual.
not know man because while I want this book to be just thinking about the possibility that you have reached the end and having a hope that he has another job with another one milf or continuation of a previous work as Sakiko for example ... I also like that jin left at least more in another book because the ending was given this e q saw the guys were arrested ... and the bad of these end open and the fact that it could be years gaidens and more can gaidens be added and the end will not change ...
In 6 months that's all he was able to do? I hope he uses time before next comiket better... i love his works but sometimes he makes me so mad.
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two months now. Couldnt hold anymore and saw the available raws. Sadly surprised that just one of the trio got screentime.

God! Didnt knew until now how much I wanted to see yuka and koharu getting wrecked.

This duo will remain my goat fucking girls for a very looooong time.
I can imagine a thousand scenarios for both and cum buckets just contemplating. Truly few things or nothing at all can surpass the sisters taking a cock like there is no tomorrow.
I confess that scene is with his daughters was epic
The problem is Jin's hazy as fuck writing and story conception. There is no clear ending. It goes several different ways all at once. Many aspects aren't properly defined to form an accurate judgement. You could have seen this train-wreck happening all the way back from the second release, because he refused to rework the ending.
and what if last page was the intended ending for volume 1 so that-s why he didn't change it?
perhaps the cloudy end is a charm to work as master jin type delivering a final and having several ways to change the way their stories
Decent scans/translation never.
Well my translations are more amateur than actual translators so I guess we'll have to wait for them to come around... Is someone commissioning them though?
So what is this? A sexy trio cheating on their husbands/bfs because they love dick so much?
I don't even know if our MC can be considered bf or not... he was kind of a son/brother role in the family and then ended up doing all of em and lost them in chapter 2 to guys that were more hung.
Boy, you are in for a wild ride.
Just start reading and come back soon after.
What if the mother and the girls became pregnant of the boy as they planned? The boy don't have even a job.

The three guys save them all from poverty.
Tell that to vanillafags who still think the conclusion here was shota harem ending.
mind-blowing stuff
Heard opposite things about this work and has a shitload of text apparently.
Should i go to the effort of reading all of it or will i regret it?

Just... yes.
lol that was quick.
Which group should i choose? looks like 3 or 4 worked on this
> あとは全く具体的なプランではないのですが
> 「if 男達が焦らず、じっくりねっとりマッサージフルコース編」
> 「if 仲居にマッサージ注文をしなかった結果、睡眠薬を盛られ編」
> 「if 睡眠薬ではなく興奮剤を倍プッシュされ、涼みに出たところをナンパされる編」
> 「今回の話の○年後の橘さん家の男性事情」
> などを描きたいと思っているんですが、大変そうなのでどうなるか分かりません…。
> あるいは該当ネタを新しいキャラと物語でやるかもしれませんが。
the end may have been given but have various forms of development and even added extra characters until it reaches the end really ...
Basically Jin(?) talking about the series and its uncertain future.
Can someone actually translate that?

Kinda his style of writing iirc, but the website remains the same - no updates.
Assuming it might be him, something interesting in there?
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test colorized yuika
looking good. are you going to finish it?
I can't say it's an improvement, but keep going bro, a couple more samples to check
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test Colorized Kyouka and Yuika

the skin & hair tones >>3790700 are slightly off tho
always imagined colorized tachibana uncensored and some gifs or animation of the series was good ^^
im really digging it, the swimsuit colors need some changes.
Kyouka should be black, her tint in the manga is pretty dark, would look better too.

Not sure about Yuika's bikini, it seems the right color.
maybe make it less shiny, looks like they're wearing leather/rubber swim suits.
also her hair needs is black with a grey-ish tint >>3790700
Instead of posting this shit in chinese, why not in fucking english?
So this curly guy ended up felling for for her?
>being this lazy
check dates and translator notes

Nope, they both are enchanted with fucking each other brains out, but Curly is miles more honest than Kyouka who keeps making excuses to the very end.

Developments were small almost non-existent, hence the 'disappointment'
Does anybody have the link to the one before this in english please?
and it would be nice if one day launch an animated version of this series
When i first read this story I hated all pieces that came after Chapter 1. I am a Vanilla guy after all. But I can not deny the amazing art work Jin does.

I have gotten over my Vanilla Anger and came to a realization that although the story is good, it doesn't satisfy and i have come to a conclusion as to why.

There are 4 stories running at the same time and non of them are truly concluded.

Chpt 1 of course is the Vanilla Harem (they want his babies) story, after Chpt 1 the Vanilla is gone and really never revisited on a reattempt to get back to it.

Chpt 2 breaks the women into the three of the standard Netorare based women

Mother: Doesn't want this but is going with it to protect, but she is broken instead of protecting. Make no mistakes she may deny it she is broken. If she was the only woman in the story she would either have sex with Yuu then be disappointed and go back to the dude she is getting the hard sex from but stay with Yuu for the love or she would do it infront of him cause him to run but she would not care. None of the happens so her story seems incomplete. Because his reaction to finding out is what brings us closure.

Eldest Daughter (Black Hair for those who have not read): Is drugged and goes along with it to settle the uncontrollable reaction but feels deep guilt after. Honestly she is the only one who is really sorry that she has had relations with anyone other than Yuu kun. If you look through she is constantly saying sorry to him, none of the others really do. If it had been her alone the ending most likely would be that although Yuu Kun is nothign like those guys in bed she can get over it, or convince herself she can then stay with Yuu Kun. Endings would be he would never find out leaving to Vanilla unknown bliss or he does but can let it go cause she chose him. Again neither really happens and we are left wanting.
Youngest Sister: She is the broken and likes it. She never really shows repent for the dirty deeds she does, more so she is the most into it. Relooking at the first chapter her and the mother are just passive in sex with Yuu. The eldest is the only one who truly wants Yuu to start with. Her passive to broken is obvious in Chpt 2. Had the story only been on her either she leaves yuu kun with a note or he walks in and she doesn't care forcing him to leave. Yuu just not knowing is not really optional for this section, but he never does and we are left wanting.

Like i said all are happening at the same time, but none are really conclude. So while the art work is amazing story is fine but we are left wanting a proper conclusion.

If by some chance he does do a last chpt or 2 I hope it is a full conclusion. Honestly I need to closure to be full wrapped in the story.

Side note: If you don't read Chpt 1 the story is more acceptable than with it.
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I would pay a thousand dollars right now for a whole volume of my titty Goddess
I totally agree with your thoughts on the second sister. It's really obvious that the black haired sister really likes yuu and the mother sort of does too in my opinion
Still irrelevant at the end, since the one that definitely DOESN'T CARE about the kid, it's the author itself

this are all versions of pic related but yours is ten times better, what is this sorcery?
1st: worst girl ever, dude.
2nd: need the sauce for that raw
Is there a way to contact the author? Like an e-mail address or something?
Or a social network account
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>smallfry stalker-kun
[email protected]

just for curiosity, what are you sending?
I want to ask him what does he want to do with the new and old series and why he doesn't want to work some more.
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Just saw this on 2ch. Don't know where it came from. I checked Jin's web and it remains the same
Even if last tachibana had no progress or proper conclusion, the sex was really furious and his best draws to date IMO.
Cant' wait to see such improvements applied to the next tohsaka
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you know japanese?

same place as this old one. Not his website apparently
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putz WFT? Cosplay?
Can't tell if it's cosplay or a well made action figure for japanese perverts...
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oh god! there is only so much my heart can handle
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definitely Cosplay

and then we let our fantasy take flight....
this was actually based on a true story... and those pictures are kyoka xD jk jk
So true...
This ^
This is the reason they need to make this into a JAV
Any news regarding this?

official translation is in progress but taking a damn sweet time
Will Jin be at the new winter comiket this december?
Yes, he said he'll release a new chapter for his Fate series.
Hope it's better than last one...
Wow, this no-ending or ambiguous ending was really uncalled for.
This, otherwise, great masterpiece needed and deserved a better conclusion imo.

A big part of the netoraring factors were left to imagination, don' know if that's lazy or deep.
Damn! It really left me wanting for more and more. Cant' figure it out how to feel about this really
And whats with the sudden focus in the mother? She good and all but balance between the trio was perfect in all but the last chapter.

In the other hand, last chapter placed at the beginning of a second volume would fit like a glove
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